Star Wars: Battlefront Reboot

So if you pre-order and the game sucks, you are out $45. If you don't pre-order and the game is good, you're only out an additional $15 over what you would have paid anyway. Doesn't seem like a great value proposition to pre-order if you ask me.

Besides, how many games stay at $60 with no kind of 20% off coupon or something after release?

Steam and Origin allow refunds now, so that point isn't even that relevant anymore. In this case, since it's through greenmangaming, it might be relevant though. But, the point of preordering is that you can play the minute it's released, which is important to some people. Personally I like preordering certain games, mostly multiplayer focused games, while I don't really care whether I get a single player game right away or 6 months from then.
Battlefront Beta is Coming Early October

Coming early October to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and on Origin for PC, the Star Wars Battlefront Beta is a technical test and will feature Walker Assault on Hoth, a 40-player multiplayer battle featuring Rebels and the Empire...Walker Assault will also give you the chance to play as two of the most iconic characters in the Star Wars universe: Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker...the Beta will also feature our Survival Mission on Tatooine, where you and a Rebel friend must fight back waves of Imperial forces...
And just when people were celebrating DICE's decision not to use battlelog....


they instead decided to go full retard.
Let's flaunt Star Wars and then make one god-awful decision after another. Oh how I loathe those people.
Im pretty sure you just bitch about everything about DICE games no matter what. Which is a little comical TBH.

If the PC has no dedicated browser it is indeed a joke. Battlelog is fine, or similar.
I would even prefer battlelog over no server browser at all. They threw out the baby with the bathwater, methinks.
Oh fuck, if they don't allow server browser in some form - fuck that shit.......

Guess we should know soon as Beta should get going soon.
Yoda is gonna sense some butt hurt......but you know EA wont give a FUCK as they will sell 10000000000000000000 copies regardless of a server browser.
As long as its smart enough not to put me on a server on the other side of the country..though I can understand wanting to play with your friends.
As long as its smart enough not to put me on a server on the other side of the country..though I can understand wanting to play with your friends.

Um...yeah...that's a huge part of MP gaming. Fuck only being able to play with randoms.
Im pretty sure you just bitch about everything about DICE games no matter what. Which is a little comical TBH.

No more comical than your blind fanboyism, as demonstrated by your derision of my observations. Unfortunately for you that narrative in your head is not supported by the fact that I have said the same thing about god awful match making systems in relation to every single recent MP game that uses it including Titanfail and BO3.

All too convenient to dismiss a warranted criticism because I consider DICE to be run by a pack of incompetent and dishonest retards. Must annoy you that so many people across the internet have reacted negatively to this news.
Um...yeah...that's a huge part of MP gaming. Fuck only being able to play with randoms.

Fuck having to wait around in a lobby to join games, fuck being tossed into a game with a bunch of high pingers not from your region, fuck skill based match making which never works properly, fuck not being able to join custom servers, fuck being stuck with exclusive server providers, etc.
They just went full console. Never go full console.

I will use a word I reserve for the very worst of occasions. Mother fucker.

There will be no more competitive battlefield type games. My favorite fps genre has gone to the console side.
Um...yeah...that's a huge part of MP gaming. Fuck only being able to play with randoms.

Titanfall did it........look where it is now.

And yeah, they went full console. But then again, it is EA. When have they EVER given 2 fucks about PC gamers. They are just counting their fanboy console cash from this game already........
Canceled my Orgin Preorder. Lack of a Server Browser speaks of a bigger issue and a wanton neglect of a feature that pretty much is "GOLD STANDARD" on any PC Multiplayer game worth its salt.

I can only imagine this happened because no one wanted to play their gamemodes in BF4 or BFH oblit/defuse/hotwire/bloodmoney were all garbage non-rewarding objective avoiding bullshit. That and combined with "24/7" servers some features in the game were being "underutilized".

So here is DICE/EA forcing us into Fixed Gamemode/Map rotations. I can only assume the lack of a server browser would coincide with no Dedicated Servers and/or custom servers.

The Battlelog system was already in place and integrated to Frostbite, to scrap that.... SOMETHING THAT WORKED well for the last 5 years...

Its for a reason... a bad reason fuck Battlefront
Canceled my Orgin Preorder. Lack of a Server Browser speaks of a bigger issue and a wanton neglect of a feature that pretty much is "GOLD STANDARD" on any PC Multiplayer game worth its salt.

I can only imagine this happened because no one wanted to play their gamemodes in BF4 or BFH oblit/defuse/hotwire/bloodmoney were all garbage non-rewarding objective avoiding bullshit. That and combined with "24/7" servers some features in the game were being "underutilized".

So here is DICE/EA forcing us into Fixed Gamemode/Map rotations. I can only assume the lack of a server browser would coincide with no Dedicated Servers and/or custom servers.

The Battlelog system was already in place and integrated to Frostbite, to scrap that.... SOMETHING THAT WORKED well for the last 5 years...

Its for a reason... a bad reason fuck Battlefront

How exactly did you cancel your pre-order? I tried to do it and it said I had no games that qualify for a refund now. It specifically states that you can only cancel within 7 days of a pre-order release or within 24 hours of launching the game.
can we initiate the 'preorder canceled' slogan from the BF3 days? :D
im interested to see how things shake out. DICE is a fairly fluid developer that seems to listen to the community, on some level.
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How exactly did you cancel your pre-order? I tried to do it and it said I had no games that qualify for a refund now. It specifically states that you can only cancel within 7 days of a pre-order release or within 24 hours of launching the game.

Use the live chat or call them.
I am suprised details about the server browser haven't leaked from the Alpha......
I was already on the fence about getting this game and this pretty much killed it. I don't get it why remove something that has proven to work?? For what?
I was already on the fence about getting this game and this pretty much killed it. I don't get it why remove something that has proven to work?? For what?

Battlefront integration to Battlelog would of taken the network and Web Interface team about 1-3 weeks to accomplish once GUI/Art assets were made.

Making a whole new system spanning 3 different networks would require significant resources and time.

They did it for a reason, think of the worst reason you can imagine and that's the one. :mad:

To be fair guys, they did say it was confirmed to be removed on console, not PC. There was a follow-up post that mentioned this, I will dig it up.


However, it is very telling they are being so quiet about it. Sounds to me like they wanted it without but are likely to toss it in last second depending on the community reaction and/or beta playtest.
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To be fair guys, they did say it was confirmed to be removed on console, not PC. There was a follow-up post that mentioned this, I will dig it up.

However, it is very telling they are being so quiet about it. Sounds to me like they wanted it without but are likely to toss it in last second depending on the community reaction and/or beta playtest.
basically they are playing a game of "lets see what we can get away with" This was a response to concern about the removal of the server browser

EAStarWars ‏@EAStarWars Sep 2
@CoenvdenBerg We'll definitely pass the feedback along. We are monitoring the feeling of the community as a whole.
basically they are playing a game of "lets see what we can get away with" This was a response to concern about the removal of the server browser
I totally agree. All I'm saying is there is a chance there may still be a web browser on PC by launch day.

The way they are going about this is shady. I think you are spot on. It isn't giving me any confidence.
Well, I now know for a fact that EA just ordered a TON of dedicated servers on the West coast, and I'm presuming they're in preparation for the new match-making system. If they're not letting people host their own, they're going to need a lot of their own servers.

A ton meaning 200+ dedicated servers.
My god....why FUCK WHY.....Seriously I did plan to pre-order. I did, but I will not do matchmaking for PC. That is the reason I have not bought a COD since Black Ops.....

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Dice? They know better then this. LETS ALL HOPE THIS IS FOR CONSOLES ONLY

Sorry I am not happy to hear this. I honestly looked forward to this game.......Now....sigh

And yet less than a page ago people were defending pre-ordering this because of a 20% off coupon...*sigh*

so? Nice thing about a pre-order is you can cancel it. If your ok with matchmaking then 25% off is still a wicked deal. If your not ok with matchmaking simply cancel your pre-order.