Stanford release a new GPU memory tester


[H]ard|DCer of the Year 2008
Oct 12, 2004
So this would work in conjuction with say ATI Tool to make sure our OC's are good from both GPU/Shader and Memory? So with this, is it kinda like running blended on P95?

can some one download it and host it on a site i dont have to login into please? sick of having to join random sites just to download something..
So this would work in conjuction with say ATI Tool to make sure our OC's are good from both GPU/Shader and Memory? So with this, is it kinda like running blended on P95?

It says on the site "MemtestG80: A Memory and Logic Tester for NVIDIA CUDA-enabled GPUs" Not sure if it will work with ATI though...

DC'n 4 The Cure!
It says on the site "MemtestG80: A Memory and Logic Tester for NVIDIA CUDA-enabled GPUs" Not sure if it will work with ATI though...
If it relies on CUDA (which the name seems to imply), then it will not work with ATI cards.
Sorry for the confusion. I knew this didn't work with ATI. What I meant was using the ATI Tool (I use it to check stability of GPU/Shader OC's on my nVidia cards). THIS tool would check stability of my Memory OCs.
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