Stabilize Footage From Almost Any Camera


Aug 20, 2006
I’ve found that software stabilization works pretty well but often not well enough, so I’m pretty curious about this hardware alternative. It looks like it’s already fully funded on Kickstarter, so there is certainly interest.

SteadXP is essentially a tiny box that houses an accelerometer and gyroscope, and when you attach it to your camera it can record your camera's movements as you shoot. You then take the footage to your computer, where SteadXP's software matches up the stabilization information.
Software steady cam? Interesting. However, wouldn't you lose pixels at the edge of your recorded image post correction?
huh, but what will happen to all the found footage movies, or hell any cinematographer nowadays that seems to have a non-steady cam moving around as the in thing?
The stabilization on my lg g3 works fairly well, deff keeps me from getting a headache from me shaky hand.
If you watched the video fully, it shows that 1080P is cropped down to 720p, there's your loss in resolution, also video examples show loss of field of view as the result of cropping in order to stabilize the image.
I guess it provides a helping-hand to existing Optical Flow-based post-process image stabilisation. But it still has the same drawbacks: Requires a cropped frame to work (limiting the maximum camera movement that can be stabilised, and reducing the final output resolution), and not doing anything to reduce motion blur with longer shutter speeds.

Even a basic mechanical 'steadicam' (the passive "gimball + weight" setup will work perfectly for small camera, and DIY active gimball setups are becoming very popular) will offer a better final picture quality.
Stuff like this just needs to be included in cameras.
This product is too complicated to bother.
If its not an on/off setting on the camera, I don't really care.