SSD Speed


Mar 8, 2001
Lastnite I had just fired up my new build. I had initially ordered a Samsung SM951, but the place I ordered it from was unknowingly out of stock - order canceled. So I ordered a Pro 950 elsewhere.

My Asrock X99 Extreme4 recognized the Pro 950 in the "BIOS", Winblows10 installed in a couple minutes flat, no problems at all. Holy fuck ballz does that thing go from OFF to desk top in a hurry!

Back a number of years ago I had some 10KRPM SCSI Ultra 160 Raid 0 (4) drive arrays that I thought were fast. ...this single M.2 SSD wipes the floor with the old SCSI array. No comparison at all! If my old SCSI array and this new M.2 were in a boxing match, it would be like PeeWee Herman versus Mike Tyson(in his prime) - an absolute beat down.

However, I don't think I won the silicon lottery with my 5820K. So far I'm only able to get it to 3.8ghz at any voltage(seriously, even at stock voltages). Temps aren't a problem, 1.35vcore only hits 45'F(H2O triple fan 360mm radiator). Maybe I'm missing some other setting, which is a task for another forum section and another day.

Right now I'm so frigging shocked at how fast PCIe 4x M.2 is for data.
Back when I was still on mechanical drives my habit when coming home would be to press the power button on my computer, dress down to something comfortable, take care of some "business," grab a drink, and by the time I come back 5 minutes later my computer would finally be in a "ready" state. This was with a pair of 10k RPM VelociRaptors in RAID0.

Even with a SATA SSD the thing starts up so fast that I take care of all that before even pressing the power button. It takes about 8 seconds from power to login screen, and another 15-20 seconds to load into Windows and be ready. I couldn't imagine ever going back to a mechanical as a boot drive. I'm definitely going M.2 when Skaylake-E hits.
Yup, tech has come a long way. Got one of the Extreme USB 3.0 flash drives that claims 100MB's. Did a fresh Windows install including formatting the drive & the two resets that happen as part of the install process. In all it took 6 minutes 19 seconds. I wonder how long it would take to do a factory reset if the backup partition was on an M.2.
Love my NVME 950 Pro! Much quicker than my Plextor M6e.