SSD Caching on Z68


Apr 29, 2012
I was told I can get an SSD and link it with a regular HDD making the regular HDD run as fast as an SSD how ever I need a specific size SSD for this to work. Anyone know what size and how I would do this?
I was told I can get an SSD and link it with a regular HDD making the regular HDD run as fast as an SSD how ever I need a specific size SSD for this to work. Anyone know what size and how I would do this?

I think you can use up to about 60 GB of the SSD. If it is smaller you use all of it and if it is larger (like mine is, using a 120) you can partition the rest and use for something else. I use the second partition for the pagefile. I have mine set up to cache a pair of 640 GB WD drives in RAID 0. This gives me over 1TB of storage and it is very fast. The speed for the money spent make it a good deal. Not as fast as 1TB of SSD would be but much cheaper. Not quite as fast, but actually pretty close.

You need to set your Intel controller to RAID and add your SSD. Then you use the Intel software that is installed with your driver to set up the caching.
I think you can use up to about 60 GB of the SSD. If it is smaller you use all of it and if it is larger (like mine is, using a 120) you can partition the rest and use for something else. I use the second partition for the pagefile. I have mine set up to cache a pair of 640 GB WD drives in RAID 0. This gives me over 1TB of storage and it is very fast. The speed for the money spent make it a good deal. Not as fast as 1TB of SSD would be but much cheaper. Not quite as fast, but actually pretty close.

You need to set your Intel controller to RAID and add your SSD. Then you use the Intel software that is installed with your driver to set up the caching.

Got yah thanks. Yah I haven't got an SSD yet but I wanted to know the smallest I can go in order to do this. I don't even know if I will be able to do this for a long while. I may try to use 2 smaller raptors I have here and just raid those for my C drive. Not sure yet.
Also thanks to whom ever moved this to the correct section. I didn't know where to put it because I thought Data Storage systems were for systems like entire rigs not separate storage questions like what I had.
We did the Z68 caching on my son's rig and it works great. I bought him an OCZ 60 GB drive, but you could go smaller, like 30 or so would work fine. His system acts like everything is on the SSD. Only when things are just installed, (he plays several games), does it run like its on a hard drive. After a use or two, it gets cached it seems, and then even the games and such run like they are on a full SSD setup, but without all of the space management. His system boots up a few seconds slower than mine because he has to have the raid controller enabled, but other than that, I only have good things to say about the caching so far.
His system boots up a few seconds slower than mine because he has to have the raid controller enabled, but other than that, I only have good things to say about the caching so far.

There should be an option to not display the RAID information. Should be under Raid Option Rom or something similar, depending on your motherboard. Will save you about 5 seconds of startup time, but obviously, you'll have to re-enable it if you want to use the interface.