Speaker Wire

Jan 19, 2004
Does anyone else use any speaker wire from synergystic research?

I am considering some of their Powered speaker wire... just wondering?

I currently use tributaries, and syn, 300's on my B&W 600's

any comments/opinions would be welcome.
Would you like to buy a bridge?

I happen to have one for sale, it's pretty famous.
It's called the Mackinaw Bridge, and it generates a decent amount of revenue every month. What's more, the prestige of owning the Mackinaw Bridge is almost immeasurable.

As soon as I bought the bridge I was like "wow!", because everything changed you know?
It was like all the colors that had been veiled were now wide-open and I could SEE, you know?

To think I could have spent less and bought the Bay Bridge or maybe the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge, but I wouldnt settle, not me.

Nu-uh, I'd only take the *best*! And now I'm well satisfied because of it. But recently I picked up the Brooklyn Bridge for a song, so I figured I'd do you a favor and offer you the old bridge, just as a starter.

I'm sure once you own a large bridge connecting major metropolitan areas you'll really experience the difference between owning a bridge or just owning a small aircraft. I mean, when you own a plane it's so gauche, it's like you're just a normal person, like you don't really KNOW what's what. But once you own a bridge you'll never look back, I guarantee it.

Let me fill you in on a little something, only numbwits buy synergistic cables. If you're a numbwit, by all means enjoy.
geez guys, why dont ya just cut his arm wide open and pour some salt on the wound.

Jesus, he's just asking for some advice. there's no need in being snippy.