Spare Parts Build Help Needed


Mar 11, 2005
I am about to piece together a new computer and want to recycle my older parts into a HTPC. The main functions will be 1080p playback, want dvr functions (hd or digital also), low power, 5.1 output to reciever TOS I really miss having a dvr i dislike SA boxes and Tivos are way too much for the latest box. Parts I have:

Big coolermaster case (which will be thrown out)
Intel Dual Core Processor (E6600 I believe)
P965 DFI Board (which I will throw out I hate this motherboard)
8 gigs DDR2 800 Patriot Ram
Spare 500 SATA drive & possible another one.
8800gt (which I want to loose for a smaller or MB with onboard)
KillerNIC (which can loose for onboard nic)
Have no soundcard only using onboard sound currently

I havent been following the htpc in over a year so any help would be apprecaited.