Space Siege = Disappointment


Dec 29, 2005
Wow, this game was incredibly lackluster. Gas Powered had a huge opportunity with this game and they blew it big time. The gameplay is so simplistic and repetitive I found myself just tuning out and not even really being "in the game".

The controls are total ass. Not being able to shoot while moving is ridiculous (as many have pointed out already). Dodging is poorly implemented as you need to move the mouse cursor in the direction you want to dodge, taking your cursor away from the action. Melee attacks can be unresponsive. Overall just feels very clunky. The story lacked substance and was extremely generic.

No loot? What the hell were they thinking. Getting new weapons at set points in the game just blows. The upgrade system is extremely basic and you never really feel that much "more powerful".

Sure, the explosions are fun and the physics effects are nice, but even they could have been better with more variety.

The graphics are passable but nothing that hasn't been done before and the environments are all so similar it looks like they just slapped everything together from a tileset library.

People expecting a Dungeon Siege in space romp will be sorely disappointed. I really enjoyed Dungeon Siege II and this game isnt even close to being in the same league.

With the very few pluses this game offers (some nice animations, mindlessly blasting things can be fun for a while), I could not recommend this game to anyone while there are so many other games out there that do things so much better (think Shadowgrounds: Survivor).

/end rant
Ditto. I only played the demo for five minutes,and I knew it wasn't for me. I'm really shocked that it's as bad as it is. I was a HUGE DS fan...this is garbage...sorry.
Looks like I'll be skipping this one... I was hoping for a very kickass space RPG... but it seems Mass Effect is the only one to fill the gap.
I could have told you that, after Dungeon Siege II, it became pretty apparent that Gas Powered games is shit out of ideas.
Space Siege is a disappointment for myself as well, I was a huge fan of the Dungeon Siege series and was hoping for a similar, improved game set in space. However the demo was enough to show that, highly unfortunate.
I really enjoy this type of game. So I am biased. I did like Space Siege, but I saw lots of room for improvement and it's not worth $50.
My problem with it, was it was too bloody short! Finished it in one sitting. What a waste of money. Granted, i though it was okay for what it was. Problems not withstanding, i had fun with it...
You finished in one go? Wtf that sounds like a $30 buck or less game.

That's exactly the problem. Space Siege would be an AWESOME 20-30 dollar title. It's more or less bug free, ran great on my system, and is very accessible.

Unfortunately, for Dungeon Siege fans it is a huge disappointment. It is incredibly watered down, short on content (unlike DS1 and 2 which had good size campaigns), and comes off as an indie budget title.

It's one of those games where they definitely SHOULD have just rehashed the previous game and reskinned it. Terribly disappointed by this game.
was also very disappointed. even if it had just been dungeon siege 2 in space i woulda been ok with it but the controls and gameplay just plain suck.
I like the game. Nothing spectacular, but its fun to spend your upgrade points.
Now watch how Gas Powered Games abandons the game with few patches and moves onto their next project.. demi god I think.

Same think happened with Forged Alliance (SupCom).. One patch and they left it semi broken (yet still fun to play) and moved on.

Boy do GPG know how to p*ss off their fan base. Its like they take lessons from EA LOL !
This game was horrible and the alternate endings were almost identical. I had my characters stats maxed early in the game and started saving for a good weapon to upgrade. I upgrade three weapons to full and have every cyborg part and at the end I still had 8000+ parts. I didnt bother bringing that stupid robot pal everywhere, I don't want to babysit in an action game. There was no depth at all the story was fucking horrible. I mean seriously the whole game revolves you running around in your own ship....WHY IS THE SHIP so horribly designed?
It was pretty much Progress Quest with slightly improved graphics in a futuristic setting.
Seriously, Dungeon Siege II wasn't that great or interesting, but it was leagues ahead of this trash.
I can't really find any other fitting description for it besides lackluster though.

If it were simply Dungeon Siege in space, I would have at least finished it. I mean, I enjoy simple dungeon crawl-style games on occasion, but... it's just simplified beyond belief, I was fantastically bored of it by the time I'd gotten halfway through.
I played the demo, and didn't really like it at all...I didn't even really considering downloading it (it's that bad!).
Maby I'm stupid but I read the reviews and bought the game anyways... I really enjoyed the demo so that heavily weighed in my mind and I'm glad it's rpg lite. I've always hated the loot grind that most rpg's rely on.

Either was crossing my fingers for this game. I think I might try and run though Mass Effect after I finish this.
Mass Effect is the champion of space RPGs right now. I think that's a better choice.
i beat Space Siege without ever using a skill point. I couldn't find any that I were very good so I just didn't bother
This game also takes absolutely no skill to play. I mean you can spam medpacks and have Shielding up 80percent of the time. When you die there is no penalty you just keep fighting, sometimes from one room over.....ok? You see all these people afraid for there lives(npcs), why if they can just come back when they die?

As mentioned above the skill system was horrible, most of them didn't do anything good. Upgrading a weapon to full increases its dps by like 10....pointless.
i beat Space Siege without ever using a skill point. I couldn't find any that I were very good so I just didn't bother

Wow, with so many people already finishing this game it must be SHORT.

How many hours did it take you guys who finished it to beat it?
Wow I might turn around and sell this on Ebay after I'm finished with it if it's really that horrible.
I'm about 4-5 hours into it and I currently have no intention of ever finishing it.
I may uninstall it and delete my saves as a preventative measure.
Wow this thread is giving buyer's remorse even though all I did was download the demo.
if you are looking for good old human vs alien fun, i highly recommend UFO:Afterlight.
with the latest patch a few mods that came out for it, im giving it a second play through (i almost never replay a game)
if you are looking for good old human vs alien fun, i highly recommend UFO:Afterlight.
with the latest patch a few mods that came out for it, im giving it a second play through (i almost never replay a game)

or AVP2 for the multiplauer
LOL, if you guys think Space Siege sucks, try playing Legend Hand of God. It makes Space Siege seem like Bioshock!
LOL, if you guys think Space Siege sucks, try playing Legend Hand of God. It makes Space Siege seem like Bioshock!

Space Siege really isn't that bad. Now Legends was horrible... I couldn't even stand to finish the demo.

I'll still probably sell Space Siege when I'm done with it though... doesn't seem to have much replay value.
I had a save right before the last boss, just finished a few minutes ago. Total playing time just under 7 hours. The game was fun, I actually got it for free from a friend who hated it. No way I would pay $50 though, it's a $30 title tops. Too, what was up with the gimpy ending? No spoilers, but I got what was supposedly the best one and it was pretty weak.
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I just picked this up for 6 bucks at Big Lots. It's pretty meh, but for some reason I have the urge to keep playing....
The game is short but it's not bad overall. It doesnt offer as much as the DS games but still is ok.
for 6 bucks it was probably worth it pigwalk.. but you will get bored quick..
just thinking out loud here, but isnt it like crusader series?

Wonder if they made it more like crusader would it be better?
Not really, just think Dungeon Siege 1/2 with guns, and in space, but about 1/10 as fun.
Yeah, this was easily one of the worst games I have ever played.

Better off playing Alien Shooter 2, that's actually semi-fun.