Source Game GUI/HUD

German Muscle

Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 2, 2005
first does anyone other than me have experience with this? im not talking about changing the background. Im talking about the advanced stuff, Scoreboard modifications, option modifications, font and color changes, backdrops, main menu customization, etc.
If so PM me.

Im in the process of making a GUI for Hard Gaming. It will support league play and be legal. It will also appeal to the pub players. If you have any requests for stuff post up here and ill do my best to get it integrated.
Making some progress.
104 views and no comments? No one has anything they would like to see? Otherwise i will build this to what i feel is best.
104 views and no comments? No one has anything they would like to see? Otherwise i will build this to what i feel is best.

i got one. why are you running 100 lerp???

but really, what youre asking is out of my league.
i got one. why are you running 100 lerp???

but really, what youre asking is out of my league.

Thats a server i created on my computer. Regardless on any other servers my LERP is 100. Thats how it always has been. Ive tried messing with it and its not anywhere near as smooth. If its white then its fine, yellow caution, Red is bad. I watch the other rates like data in and out and choke, loss, and server FPS.
rate 30000
cl_cmdrate 100
cl_interp 0
cl_lagcomp_errorcheck 1
cl_lagcompensation 1
cl_smooth 0
cl_smoothtime 0.1
cl_updaterate 100
cl_interp_ratio 0
setinfo cl_interpolate 0

give it a try
Are you on moddb? You will probably get a lot more feedback there.

No, i have a good idea of what im putting in it to support noobs, power users and competition. I was just asking for requests. I dont really want to join a totally different community just for requests. This is a Hard Gaming GUI anyways. ;)