Sound juicer problem please help??


Aug 27, 2004
Why is it that when I use sound juicer to rip audio cd's some of the files dont playback correctly?
Does it have something to do with copyright protection on some of the cd's I have or something?
When I rip some cd's the files sound like distorted noise????
Other cd's come out fine.

My setup is
Fedora Core 2 ( I switched from suse 8.2)
Latest gnome (came with FC2)
Sound Juicer 0.5
No one can help me?

Also ......
The audio cable from my cd drive to my sound card is hooked up but
when I try to just play a straight cd from the drive no audio comes out?
Do I need to set it up to look for that or something? please help
xveganx said:
Why is it that when I use sound juicer to rip audio cd's some of the files dont playback correctly?

sounds like you compressed them too much. i'm going to butcher the terminology, but see what the bitrate was when you ripped the cd. 128Kbps is on the low end of "near cd quality", 160 and 256 are better. if you are sensitive to audio quality and have plenty of hard drive space, rip at 256 (higher the bitrate, the larger the mp3).

i'm also assuming it isn't the audio driver that's screwy, in which case anything played would be a little garbled.

if you get no sound through the cd-sound card interface, i'd recon that channel hs been muted, how you unmute it depends on what software you are using. i'm pretty sure you can do this in some sort of fedora control panel. but i thought most linux media players processed the sound to the soundcard instead of feeding it to the line out on the cdrom.