Sony Done with Desktop Monitor Biz


Jun 29, 2006
Not sure if anyone uses Sony desktop LCD's anymore but they announced last week they are pulling out of the business completely. Should probably be some close out deals on their stuff on the web soon.

From what I understand they will still be making the larger TV's but are done with desktop LCD's.
travbomb said:
Not sure if anyone uses Sony desktop LCD's anymore but they announced last week they are pulling out of the business completely. Should probably be some close out deals on their stuff on the web soon.

From what I understand they will still be making the larger TV's but are done with desktop LCD's.

Actually, Sony will continue to carry desktop LCD computer monitors - but only for that company's VAIO line of PC's. They will no longer market non-VAIO monitors.

By the way, the only significant difference between a VAIO monitor and a non-VAIO monitor is the color of their housings: The VAIO line is colored and styled to match the current line of VAIO PC's - whereas the non-VAIO monitors are colored silver or black.
I'm pretty sure you heard wrong travbomb, unless you can provide us with a link. Last week they said they were going to halt production of plasma TV's, maybe you're confused?
tdg said:
I'm pretty sure you heard wrong travbomb, unless you can provide us with a link. Last week they said they were going to halt production of plasma TV's, maybe you're confused?

This is no surprise since almost everyone will be getting out of Plasma's shortly.

They may be keeping the Vaio line but there is a huge line of business monitors that are no longer and all of the non vaio retail monitors are done too.

I know this because we have been calls left and right from my accounts who were planning on supplying customers with sony LCD's but they got the call from Sony last week that they were stopping production.

I also know this because best buy is curretnly looking for new units to replace the now discontinued LCD;s.

I will see if i can find an article in isupply or digitimes tomorrow.
travbomb said:
This is no surprise since almost everyone will be getting out of Plasma's shortly.

They may be keeping the Vaio line but there is a huge line of business monitors that are no longer and all of the non vaio retail monitors are done too.

I know this because we have been calls left and right from my accounts who were planning on supplying customers with sony LCD's but they got the call from Sony last week that they were stopping production.

I also know this because best buy is curretnly looking for new units to replace the now discontinued LCD;s.

I will see if i can find an article in isupply or digitimes tomorrow.

Times are tough for Sony themselves, in this case.

Also, the "announcement" does not specify whether Sony would stop distributing those product lines altogether, or whether Sony would merely outsource their manufacture to other companies (or put it this way, Sony would simply buy someone else's LCD monitors, then slap the Sony name on them).
Here's my theory. Sony is getting out of the desktop LCD biz to make room for desktop SED and/or OLED monitors :eek: One can only hope. Right?... :D
E4g1e said:
Actually, Sony will continue to carry desktop LCD computer monitors - but only for that company's VAIO line of PC's. They will no longer market non-VAIO monitors.

By the way, the only significant difference between a VAIO monitor and a non-VAIO monitor is the color of their housings: The VAIO line is colored and styled to match the current line of VAIO PC's - whereas the non-VAIO monitors are colored silver or black.

So pretty much you are saying that insted of having 3 of the same monitor with just different colored plastic they will have 1. Makes sence to me. Seems to be no big deal.....
swatbat said:
So pretty much you are saying that insted of having 3 of the same monitor with just different colored plastic they will have 1. Makes sence to me. Seems to be no big deal.....

They make an entire commercial line they are dropping also. Along with dropping their main retail line. That is a bit more drastic. They will now just be selling the monitors coupled wiht PC's which means they are competing in a much smaller market now.
travbomb said:
They make an entire commercial line they are dropping also. Along with dropping their main retail line. That is a bit more drastic. They will now just be selling the monitors coupled wiht PC's which means they are competing in a much smaller market now.

Didn't think about the commercial line.......
Really not a surprise. Most manufacturers do very little value add. The Panel and backlighting are sold as units. Once you know what panel is inside, you know what the real characteristics are. At that point I often don't care that much who has their name on the outside. Especially when it is among Acer, viewsonic, Dell, LG, samsung, benq, Asus, HP, or Sony. I will pay next to no premium merely for a name and Sony was charging a chunky premium. I would pay a small one for a nice case design, good ergonomics etc... But next to nothing for name. Sony didn't seem to bring anything special to the table on the internals.

NEC does seem to do more customization and provides some real value add. But I am not sure how much it is worth. It appears to be about a 50% premium. Even as someone who is particular about image quality, it is too high for me as a general home user. If I were a graphic designer, I would have an NEC for work.

I just want a IPS panels for good viewing angles. Not really a color perfection zealot. If I can get a IPS in a Dell for $400, why pay $600 for an NEC? I might pay $500 for the NEC, but not $600.