Song titles are showing up as 1, 2, 3, etc. in Winamp, not the names they are


Sep 8, 2001
Im sure this has happened many times before, but a simple search and the FAQ didnt help me. When playing the songs thru Winamp, it listed them as Track 1, Track 2, etc. Same thing in Windoes Meia Player. And also on my new MP3 player. Ive tried to manually change the titles, but no matter what I put, it always says Track 1, etc.

Is there an easy way to fix this?
I dont want to. The main reason I want it changed, is because in my new MP3 player, its still showing up as 1, 2, 3, etc. Cant use itunes or any other software for it. There is something wrong with the way its encoded, or something.
MP11 works. I gave up whimpamp a long time ago.

MP11 does let you easily edit the MP3/WMV tags directly, a nice feature that gets you around this kind of thing.