So what mobile games are you playing?


Mean Old Administrator
Jan 12, 2004
I'm a big fan of TD games, and while robo defense is decent there are a few others out there well worth paying for.

I started playing Fieldrunners awhile ago and it's fun as hell. I do think it needs more content though, as there are only 4 maps, and you can change up the difficulty but that's it. What is there is pretty well executed on, decent (though not very original) towers and pretty good power/enemy balance.

My favorite right now though is Grave Defense. It's got a crapton of maps (been playing it for weeks and haven't gotten half way through) and some pretty decent challenges. I like having to work to figure out the right kinds of tower combos and this game is definitely on the harder side of things. They only let you position in preset locations but I think it really ups the challenge. If anything it's almost a bit too hard...

So what are you guys playing right now?
Just got Nova 2 and Modern Combat 2, controls pretty well with the Play's control pad so can see me hammering touchscreen only players online :D

Cut the Rope and Stupid Zombies pass the time too.
I've been playing mainly board games on my iPad.

Ticket To Ride
Settlers of Catan
iBomber Defence
SimCity DLX
Captain America

Those are the 5 that I play the most. I have others on the iPad but don't really touch them.

I also play Robot Defense on my Android phone.
Plants vs. Zombies right now. I'm about done with that having only to finish up the 2nd round of level 5 and a few achievements.

After that, I'll probably have to see what else is out there. Angry Birds' appeal has worn off on me and I've yet to really delve into anything else.
I got a galaxy s an just discovered the emulators....Im play old skool goldeneye, mario 64 and NHL 94 on the genesis emu....these classics look amazing on the S!
I got a galaxy s an just discovered the emulators....Im play old skool goldeneye, mario 64 and NHL 94 on the genesis emu....these classics look amazing on the S!

Yeah, I played them on my Evo, but I swapped down to a smaller phone because I hated lugging the thing around (and my Evo was destroyed :p), and I can't really get the controls to respond the way I want.
Chaos Rings, Cut the Rope, Fruit Ninja, & Infinity Blade.

After that it will probably be Chaos Rings Omega, Eternal Legacy, Starfront, and Rimelands.
I got a galaxy s an just discovered the emulators....Im play old skool goldeneye, mario 64 and NHL 94 on the genesis emu....these classics look amazing on the S!

If only the zeemote worked with the galaxyS.
In terms of TD, I still keep my old iPod touch 1st gen around for GeoDefense and GD Swarm. IMO two of the most well done TD games on the iPod Touch (well, maybe adding in the Tower Madness line, but I don't like that as much).

On Android, I'm still looking for a quality TD worth it's salt (relative to these three games).
I am a iPhone gamer and have the following that I play regularly.
Angry Birds
Civ Rev
Flight Control
Tiny Wings

Carcassonne is just so much fun when you have friends with iPhones that enjoy playing that game, Civ Rev is a time waster, Tiny Wings another time waster, and Angry birds just so much fun killing the pigs

If anyone wants to add me on Game center my screen name is TechIsCool
Angry birds and x construction mostly. Just got a smartphone 2 weeks ago. And i'm kinda looking for a game in which you build something a little more lasting. Something you just spend 5 to 10 min a day and continuous for like a month or maybe indefinitely, any idea's?