So the forums are back...

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Limp Gawd
Jul 16, 2003
and STL has already de-railed nearly every thread he's been in.

Can we get him banned again for all of our good?

So far I've yet to see anything productive out of him other than telling EVERYONE that they're wrong, and he's right. And not only is he right, but he's just downright smarter and better than all.

This is not a personal attack on STL, I just fail to see any benifit to him being back on the forum.
Sgarissta admits that it is a Power that tele-operates sophonts in the Beyond. But consider how difficult it is to have a close-coupled automation with time lags of more than a few milliseconds. The Known Net is a perfect illustration of this... combined with the low bandwidth available across interstellar distances, makes the Known Net a loose forum for the exchange of information and lies. And these restrictions are inherent in the nature of the Beyond...
Dare I say I enjoy that STL is on these forums? They're not nearly as fun without him. Plus, he has helped me with basic C++ questions I've had. I know many of you deep inside feel the same way, you just don't like to admit it.~
What's funny is that I'm not bothered by anyone here now that Special K is gone. (The L Word's recent attacks on my development experience, or lack thereof, are secretly hilarious, because I know something he doesn't.)
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