So Sony has killed Lik-Sang


Feb 14, 2006
Lik-Sang said:

Hong Kong, October 24th of 2006 -, the popular gaming retailer from Hong Kong, has today announced that it is forced to close down due to multiple legal actions brought against it by Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited and Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Sony claimed that Lik-Sang infringed its trade marks, copyright and registered design rights by selling Sony PSP consoles from Asia to European customers, and have recently obtained a judgment in the High Court of London (England) rendering Lik-Sang's sales of PSP consoles unlawful.

As of today, will not be in the position to accept any new orders and will cancel and refund all existing orders that have already been placed. Furthermore, Lik-Sang is working closely with banks and PayPal to refund any store credits held by the company, and the customer support department is taking care of any open transactions such as pending RMAs or repairs and shipping related matters. The staff of Lik-Sang will make sure that nobody will get hurt in the crossfire of this ordeal.

A Sony spokesperson declined to comment directly on the lawsuit against Lik-Sang, but recently went on to tell that "ultimately, we're trying to protect consumers from being sold hardware that does not conform to strict EU or UK consumer safety standards, due to voltage supply differences et cetera; is not - in PS3's case - backwards compatible with either PS1 or PS2 software; will not play European Blu-Ray movies or DVDs; and will not be covered by warranty".

Lik Sang strongly disagrees with Sony's opinion that their customers need this kind of protection and pointed out that PSP consoles shipped from Lik-Sang contained genuine Sony 100V-240V AC Adapters that carry CE and other safety marks and are compatible world wide. All PSP consoles were in conformity with all EU and UK consumer safety regulations.

Furthermore, Sony have failed to disclose to the London High Court that not only the world wide gaming community in more than 100 countries relied on Lik-Sang for their gaming needs, but also Sony Europe's very own top directors repeatedly got their Sony PSP hard or software imports in nicely packed Lik-Sang parcels with free Lik-Sang Mugs or Lik-Sang Badge Holders, starting just two days after Japan's official release, as early as 14th of December 2004 (more than nine months earlier than the legal action). The list of PSP related Sony Europe orders reads like the who's who of the videogames industry, and includes Ray Maguire (Managing Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Alan Duncan (UK Marketing Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Chris Sorrell (Creative Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Ltd), Rob Parkin (Development Director, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe Limited), just to name a few.

"Today is Sony Europe victory about PSP, tomorrow is Sony Europe’s ongoing pressure about PlayStation 3. With this precedent set, next week could already be the stage for complaints from Sony America about the same thing, or from other console manufacturers about other consoles to other regions, or even from any publisher about any specific software title to any country they don’t see fit. It’s the beginning of the end... of the World as we know it", stated Pascal Clarysse, formerly known as the Marketing Manager of

"Blame it on Sony. That's the latest dark spot in their shameful track record as gaming industry leader. The Empire finally 'won', few dominating retailers from the UK probably will rejoice the news, but everybody else in the gaming world lost something today."
Jesus fucking Christ...

Thats it. Over. No more Sony products for me.
Man that's so lame. Lik-Sang was a great company to buy imports. I guess this is another reason for me to buy a 360... something I said I'd never do.
That's really, really shitty. Lik-Sang was a fantastic company. I'm not buying any Sony stuff ever again.
I don't really understand their reasoning behind this. Europeans aren't stupid; everyone knows when power converters are necessary and when they aren't. They're very common items in European stores.
On top of that, Lik-Sang had to buy the PSP's from somewhere to resell them, so Sony was still making money on Lik-Sang's sales.
Yep, sony has done some really stupid things, I most likely won't buy a ps3 now, the wii60 will have to do for me.
Fuck Sony. I buy a LOT of electronics shit every year - probably in excess of 3-5 G's worth, and I was looking forward to the PS3 -and- a new TV purchase soon. Not anymore. Looks like I'll be adding HD-DVD to my 360 (read no BR movies either) and looking elsewhere for a TV.
Sony's been really arrogant and fucking retarded...I've always loved their stuff, and spent this year hoping...

"Gee, maybe Sony will pull their heads out of their asses now!"

Nope. Instead you go and close down one of the more popular import retailers out there. For fuck's sake, WHY? Sure, they sold some dubiously legal-possibly-used-for-piracy items, but they also sell stuff legitamately for the most part. I got my Orange/Black GBA from them. ;)
This is so weak sauce, good thing I'm a retailer so I can always tell people to avoid their demon-plagued products." We should all pray to Zeus and Thor to smite those whores." -SomethingAwful
I've not bought Sony products for a while now. They do this stuff all the time and thier arrogance and disdain for customers is beyond reproach. The sooner Sony is gone the better we'll all be.
What a load of utter shit. Without Lik-Sang I never would have Bleach or Ouendan for my DS! I wouldn't have Naruto 3 for PS2 (Awesomly animated cell shaded fighter), or Gamecube (which is about the most fun 4 player smash-bros style battler around).

To starve them out on legal fees over a few power adapters is bloody insane.
In a way, I can understand Sony not wanting to support idiot consumers that can't figure out why their PS3 is all in some crazy moon language.

But I can't understand this. They stop people from giving them money? The PS3 is region free, but they shut down one of the most trusted exporters?
I won't lose any sleep or feel any frustration over this at all.

I always find it to be hilarious that people state that they will base their purchases on the morals of a company. If that was the case you shouldn't buy most of the shit that you do.
Lets be real about that at least.
And, if the PS3 comes out and amazes everyone beyond expectation I bet every single person who said they wouldn't get one in this thread will have one. So.....thats that.
i used to buy stuff off of those guys all the time. definitely a sad sad day...f-sony
This pretty much sucks. Lik-Sang is where I got all my imports.. now what E-Bay?
CopyCat said:
And, if the PS3 comes out and amazes everyone beyond expectation I bet every single person who said they wouldn't get one in this thread will have one. So.....thats that.
Actually you're wrong. I was fully intending to get a PS3 even though I was already dubious about what Sony has been up to lately. This is just a step too far. Maybe this doesn't affect you but living in the UK I used Lik-Sang a lot to get hold of imports / hard to find gear. You can argue they broke the law but given the law is anti-consumer bullshit I don't think you'll find a lot of supporters.

So yeah, despite being initially independant Sony can kiss my ass now. They've lost the plot.
IndyJoe said:
This pretty much sucks. Lik-Sang is where I got all my imports.. now what E-Bay?
What about Play-Asia?

Still, this is bullshit.
This is completely bogus, Lik-Sang was awesome (I went to their shop while in Hong Kong). I was going to buy a GP32x from them during the holidays, as well as some DS games I kept forgetting about.

Guess this will truly be a Wii360 generation.

Thanks Sony! :mad:

It's not about their morals, it's about their actions. Sony killed one of my computers with their rootkit, failed to accept responsibility until forced to, and now they've killed off a retailer.

It has nothing to do with morals, it has EVERYTHNG to do with their actions that directly impact me and millions of other people. Sony has been on my personal banned list since the rootkit but this makes me hope that Sony actually fails as a company entirely. Before I just didn't want to have anything to do with them, but now I'm hoping they really do go away.

Think consumer sentiment doesn't mean anything? Check their financial reports... They're suffering already and they just alienated a good chunk of their gaming and computer consumer base, including a lot of the early adopters that will be responsible for determining who wins the blu-ray - HD-DVD format war. Add on top of that Sony's support for the RIAA/MPAA lawsuits and they've covered pretty much their entire consumer base. It's pretty much the same thing as if Ford started to sue anyone who exceeded the speed limit.

They've taken action to hurt and alienate customers several times in the last few years. That has nothing to do with their morals, and everything to do with how customers view their products and their relationship with Sony. I wanted to have nothing to do with them after the rootkit assault on my computer but now I want them out of business.
While I doubt in the extreme that it will happen, wouldn't it be great if this did them in?
Slit their own throat. Sadly blind eye !!!!!!!!! likely wont let that happen, but oh boy would I love to see some poetic justice result from this.
CopyCat said:
I won't lose any sleep or feel any frustration over this at all.

I always find it to be hilarious that people state that they will base their purchases on the morals of a company. If that was the case you shouldn't buy most of the shit that you do.
Lets be real about that at least.
And, if the PS3 comes out and amazes everyone beyond expectation I bet every single person who said they wouldn't get one in this thread will have one. So.....thats that.
Ahhh.... a good ol, "I want it so I am buying it anyway and dont care what they do post! ;)
Wow. That is pathetic. Since I prefer PC gaming, I don't plan on buying anymore consoles but if I ever do, it won't be a Sony.
Psychotext said:
Actually you're wrong. I was fully intending to get a PS3 even though I was already dubious about what Sony has been up to lately. This is just a step too far. Maybe this doesn't affect you but living in the UK I used Lik-Sang a lot to get hold of imports / hard to find gear. You can argue they broke the law but given the law is anti-consumer bullshit I don't think you'll find a lot of supporters.
So yeah, despite being initially independant Sony can kiss my ass now. They've lost the plot.
I understand it sucks, believe me. It sounds like a totally shitty situation. I just feel that, if its fun I am going to get it. I have had many MANY companies screw me over way worse than shutting down some online retailer. I am sure you can find the product elsewhere…but its your decision whether or not to buy it which is fine.
flenser said:
I wanted to have nothing to do with them after the rootkit assault on my computer but now I want them out of business.
Their actions haven’t effected me in the least and I am not sure how they have effected millions of people other than hurting their own pockets. I am not in any pain because Sony decided to go crazy.
You know I can think of 100 other things that could have destroyed your computer built buy 100 other companies who would not take blame for it. Look at how Apple just blame Microsoft for the virus on their iPods. That shit happens. But you are definitely right to hate Sony for your troubles…that’s your right.
I never said what the consumer thinks doesn’t matter. I simply stated that its childish to bash a company over moral implications when what they did could have been entirely within their legal rights. I didn’t realize the topic had to do with consumer feedback effecting future sales.
Listen, I am not defending Sonys actions. I think they suck. I am just being real about the situation. This type of thing is nothing new not just with Sony but with many other companies in this capitalist corporate world.
I won't be buying a PS3, but not for all those reasons. I just don't want one and find these escapades that always occur before big launches of anything quite useless and not telling at all of future marks.
shame, but lik-sang played outside the boundaries a bit too long and it cost them.
This is complete and utter bullshit. I was the guy that thew the [H] Crew that first bit of Lik-Sang news as soon as it was up on the site (all praise RSS!).

I've ordered MANY things from them (Gamecube + 12 games, PS2 slim + 9 games, Many 360 accessories for my friends, loads of USB to controller convertors, etc) and this is complete and utter bullshit.

This just wasn't another company to order import from. It was a good friend of mine.
Well, what can I say except that did people think any more of Sony than this? I sure wouldn't expect anything more from them..............

What's going to be funny is if this causes a backlash against BD players and PS3's in Europe when and if they ever get around to launching there(I know the BD players are now out).
We ( [H] members ) are but a fraction of the consumer base for any product. So a boycott will be nothing to a large company.

"We only made a kajillion dollars today... as opposed to one kajillion seventy-five thousand."

We all pay outrageous gas prices, and we've all been treated to "Don't buy gas on ::insert day::!!" emails. We all got gas. We can't do without our luxuries. Some of you will not a get a PS3 because of this and stick to your guns. Some will wait a few months, the heat will die down and you'll get a PS3. But the larger sum of people will get a PS3 or whatever because they just don't care.

There are alternatives to getting import hardware. I like NCSX because they ship way faster than Lik-Sang and they are really cool people.
Good on sony! Youre all moaning fuckers, it makes me laugh. If the ps3 is shit hot i expect you all to stand by your word and not buy it! When the Ps3 is out and if its a great console, dont ever let me see your sigs with ps3/sony gear in it or read your posts saying the ps3 rocks cos ill rip the shit out of you on a name and shame thread/board! If its Sonys strategy/rules for hardware/software regioning then respect it.
FWIW, the newest info on the subject (from Sony albeit) states that Lik Sang did not contest the case, and therefore did not incur any court costs. They also haven't paid any settlements towards Sony. To me, it sounds like they are using this as an excuse to restructure (just like they did in 2002 when they were sued by Sony AND MICROSOFT AND NINTENDO)