so i got a new printer... with a twist hehe


Modder(ator) & [H]ardest Folder Evar
Staff member
Jun 27, 2001
i got an inexpensive canon i560 to stay true to my canon fanboy ways (i kid, i kid)


the reason i love this printer so much is that the ink tanks are seperate from the print head...

so i never have to change my cartrages, EVER

"So FLECOM? you refill your cartrages?"

nope, my cartrages refill themselves ;)

*whistles to himself*


what are these next to my printer? hrmm...


pretty colors


hehe, hacked



and since we cant have everyone fighting over using the computer in the printer room (there are 4 other printers in this room, sigh, we should start a printing business i swear lol)


onto the network it goes :)

if anyone is wondering if i did this myself, nope... this old dude at the local (well, nearest) computer shows has been working on self-refilling printers for the last 5 years, he started off with HP's but the print heads on the cartrages suck and they stop working after a while, but canon's design of seperating the ink tanks from the heads, makes this possible... the guy sells these things like hot-cakes... he does all the modifications onto an existing printer, or you can buy a pre-modded one from him... dont remember the exact princes, but i remember the kit for the 9100 large canon printers was $180

its great because when you see your little bottle running low on ink, you just pour some more in... not that i have had to after using it all week printing amazing borderless 8.5x11 prints

im actually more concerned now with the cost of the paper than the ink!

he sells the ink also which has has made to match the specific colors of each type of printer (he does hp refill kits, and has the self refil thingie for canon and epson printers) the ink is amazing quality, the HP refill kits that i have used a few times i think his ink looks BETTER than the HP ink... he sells it in all sorts of quantities also, from those same little bottles, to gallon containers of ink :eek:

im saving up some money to get a canon 9100 and the self-refill kit so i can print some huge-pic lovin without worrying about ink :D
Saw a couple of links on Slashdot to places that do those sorts of conversions. Seems like a pretty smart way to go if you do a decent amount of printing. I believe it's called "continuous ink."
Originally posted by matt fury
Saw a couple of links on Slashdot to places that do those sorts of conversions. Seems like a pretty smart way to go if you do a decent amount of printing. I believe it's called "continuous ink."

well like i said, this guy has been working on it for like 5~6 years, has a few patents

which is how he got the attention of HP who promply told him if he didnt stop modifying their cartrages they would sue him, so he stopped trying to make the HP's which didnt matter becuase he was having so many problems with the crappy heads anyway

so now he just does epson and canons

also the paper he sells is waterproof... pretty amazing, he prints out an image, and puts it in a tupperware full of water, and wipes it off with a rag, and its a-ok

the paper dosent get soggy, ink stays on fine... :eek:
Cool! I just got a Cannon i960 and, this looks like a great little thing to have around. THe printer is the only Cannon product I have ;) BTW congrats on the Moderator status FLECOM.
Just wondering, how hard was it for you to install that? Looks like a great find, and I think I know what one of my next purchases is going to be!
well i bought the whole kit from the guy locally so i didnt have to do anything except plug it in :)

if you have a printer or want to buy one locally and buy the kit it comes assembled, all you have to do is follow the very nice instructions and thats pretty much it... its like putting in regular cartrages, and the metal bar that the tubing attaches to is attached to the printer with velcrow... then there is a little piece of plastic that holds the cover open so it dosent pinch the tubes, and another plastic thingie that makes the printer work with the cover open...

its beautifully simple imo... and most definately worth it... im waiting for canon to release their new 9900 printer soon... soon...

and then i will get the whole multi-color photo kit from the guy :)

that is after i save up the money for the printer and inking kit...

or maybe i will get a 9100 after the 9900 comes out, since im sure that should drop the 9100 in price a bit :D
That sounds like a really great system! With how much I pay for ink now, that system would pay for itself in like six months. Not to mention the fact I very rarely print anything really big, due to the price of ink. The bottles of ink on his site to refill the kit, aren't even a tenth of the cost of traditional ink cartridges!
that kinda sucks they don't make them for HP, one reason I went with my photosmart 7960, which I absolutly love by the way, is because the heads were on the cartriges themselves. I've heard of alot of people having problems with canon printers because of the ink head. Those were older ones, maybee there improved now...?
Originally posted by A-HOL
that kinda sucks they don't make them for HP, one reason I went with my photosmart 7960, which I absolutly love by the way, is because the heads were on the cartriges themselves. I've heard of alot of people having problems with canon printers because of the ink head. Those were older ones, maybee there improved now...?

Actually, to some people that's a reason not to go with HP. It means every time you buy a cart, you have to buy a new head. Plus, since it's only made to handle a cart's worth of ink, it doesn't work very well with refills or 3rd party carts.

but heads that are made to last will last ;)

unlike the disposable HP heads...

if you look at the canon head, its quite scary, and you can tell its not the dinky heads they put on the end of the HP cartrages...

also dunno if youve ever seen any of the "professional" hp inkjets, but they also have seperate heads/ink tanks