*sniff* Bye bye 2405 :(


Mar 8, 2004
Man, its a sad day today. Im afraid I need to part with my beloved Dell 2405FPW for finacial reasons that i'd rather not go into. Lets just say a new girlfriend changes your priorties in life *In my case, for the better*

NOTHING about this monitor wants to me to get rid of it. I love EVERYTHING about the monitor for my uses. However, I do feel however this is somewhat for the best as I cannot afford finacialy now that im on my own to keep upgrading my machine to keep feeding this sucker at 1920x1200 resolution and the fact that i've had to already decrease settings and or resolution in FEAR and Quake 4 upset me greatly already. Eye candy is no good if its a slideshow.

Don't get me wrong at all, the monitor doesn lower rez's fairly well, but im just to personally picky to not be able to run native rez all the time cause it does look comparablly better and there have been times when I think its a bit TOO much monitor. I jumped the gun, hit the bandwagon and enjoyed the ride but unfortuantly, i've gotten the reality check that i'm still paying off this thing on my credit card and its hurting me finacially. I'd rather just crank up AA and cut my losses then trying to justify spending $500 every 6 months on a new card to feed a LCD screen. *Again, girlfriend priority*

With that, i'll be posting this in the For Sale thread tonight with my terms and conditions, its first come first serve. I"ll be replacing the monitor with a ViewSonic VP930b. Seems have everything I want and i'll have much more breathing room with my hardware and not need to keep shelling out the dough that I feel i'd would have to with the 2405.

Maybe someday i'll have the disposable income to buy stuff like this and feed it whatever hardware it requires. Sadly, I have to play it safe and budget wise. :(
Clever way to advertise your sales here. You could posted all that stuff in the fs forum.
Man, Ice, That sucks. Why not just shoot for the 2005, and play in 1280x800. Nvm, I just read you don't want have to scale down.

Acer has widescreen panel, 19" 20ms, It's about $260.

How do you think your going to handle playing on a square again.
Time to get an FW900, no image degradation resulting from scaling :D

Sorry to hear that you have to sell your equipment, dude. I wish I could say that I empathize with you, but I'm not quite back to the point where I feel that girls aren't cold, heartless, manipulating creatures ;)
Keep the 2405FPW and get a cheaper Girlfriend instead :D :D

I kind of feel your pain, I was saving for a 2405 but GF appeared and now I know I won't be able to get it anytime soon.
I’m no huge fan of that monitor but I’m dammed if I’d let a girlfriend let alone a new one be a reason to sell my stuff!

Hope you two don’t marry……….wupped for life you will be ;) :D
Stoly said:
Keep the 2405FPW and get a cheaper Girlfriend instead :D :D

I kind of feel your pain, I was saving for a 2405 but GF appeared and now I know I won't be able to get it anytime soon.

if your g/f doesn't understand your need to spend money on hardware show her the door!!

or heck just don't tell her you have money she should be happy without spending $$$ on her if not oh well

BillR said:
I’m no huge fan of that monitor but I’m dammed if I’d let a girlfriend let alone a new one be a reason to sell my stuff!

Hope you two don’t marry……….wupped for life you will be ;) :D

I'll go w/ Bill. Dump the girlfriend, be a true member of HARDforum. Keep the 2405, give your girlfriend a vibrator and ask her to be on her way, make sure battery is not included
Wow... Team 2405 loses a member. Sad sad night!

I remember you had a thread regarding the backlight leakage and you had it replaced to a perfect one... it's sad to see it go.

My gf, on the other hand, loves my 2405.... so I guess mine's here to stay.

Good luck man - and not just on the monitor. ;)
Is it really worth taking a loss on selling the 2405 to use the money on the girlfriend? You'll make more money, and you'll just be throwing away the difference in what you paid vs. what you can sell it for.

Is this for anything specific for the girlfriend or just all the little things added together? If this is a new girl, make sure she's not taking advantage of you either. Just want to look out for ya ;) I know what it's like to sacrifice for a girl. I've spent thousands of dollars that should have gone to car mods and electronics on my girl (now ex-girlfriend unfortunately), but I don't regret it one bit.
SB22 said:
Is it really worth taking a loss on selling the 2405 to use the money on the girlfriend? You'll make more money, and you'll just be throwing away the difference in what you paid vs. what you can sell it for.

Is this for anything specific for the girlfriend or just all the little things added together? If this is a new girl, make sure she's not taking advantage of you either. Just want to look out for ya ;) I know what it's like to sacrifice for a girl. I've spent thousands of dollars that should have gone to car mods and electronics on my girl (now ex-girlfriend unfortunately), but I don't regret it one bit.

Its not so much the girlfriend being a suger daddy lover *shes far from it* Im more worried about how long this monitor will last until I can't play games at the native res anymore and I have to resort to downgrading the resolution to the point where they look like crap and I wished I didnt' spend as much on freaking monitor. I can get around $400 of my money back if I sell and replace it with a Viewsonic VP930b which will be a better idea in the long run I think.

I dunno, i've tried playing more of my games at a lower res, and im not thrilled. I can no longer afford to upgrade my machine every 6 months, both in terms of bills and girl related.
as others has said.. get rid of the girlfriend.. thats one sweet monitor that will stand beside you where the girlfriend.. who knows...
The people telling you to dump your girlfriend are the ones who have only had internet girlfriends. Dumping her cause your computer monitor is more important is a little easier to do over AOL than it is in real life there fellas.
Well..if you are gonna sell the monitor and its in mint condition with no dead pixel issues and stuff (and any stuff that came with the monitor) be sure to give first dibs to the folks here..in particular ME. I had enough of my bulky 4 year old crt.

As for the whole girlfriend thing.. you shouldn't dump her to keep a monitor. Thats silly. BUT..you also shouldn't waste all your money on a girl too..thats crazy. At the same time real life trumps all..so keep the girl (but don't spend all your dough on her!) and sell the monitor to ME. :D

edit: I see you already made a selling thread for it.
I don't know if this is a smart idea.

You say you spend $500 every 6 months for a new card to keep up. Shouldn't you sell the old card, and defray some of the costs? Maybe try to get half for the previous card, so that makes it out to be $250 (of course, this may vary) every 6 months. Which isn't too bad, and more manageable.

I'm just thinking you're probably blowing things a bit out of proportion.
IceWind said:
I dunno, i've tried playing more of my games at a lower res, and im not thrilled. I can no longer afford to upgrade my machine every 6 months, both in terms of bills and girl related.

I don't upgrade every 6 mth. neither. Your screen is as big as it gets at 24" unless you have money for multi-30". So your screen is way more important than your video card. A newer video card gives you speed, but a LCD gives you a lot of space.

I used to spend $7700 in 7 days to take some girl on vacation just to impress her. Later on, I realize it's a mistake. If you need to cut cost on a downgrade screen for a new girlfriend, there is something wrong w/ this picture.

It's good to re-arrange your priority w/ games and such if you have a steady long term companion. But you should know that someone for at least 2+ yr. For a new girlfriend, I won't spend a penny.
Happy Hopping said:
I don't upgrade every 6 mth. neither. Your screen is as big as it gets at 24" unless you have money for multi-30". So your screen is way more important than your video card. A newer video card gives you speed, but a LCD gives you a lot of space.

I used to spend $7700 in 7 days to take some girl on vacation just to impress her. Later on, I realize it's a mistake. If you need to cut cost on a downgrade screen for a new girlfriend, there is something wrong w/ this picture.

It's good to re-arrange your priority w/ games and such if you have a steady long term companion. But you should know that someone for at least 2+ yr. For a new girlfriend, I won't spend a penny.

Keep in mind guys, shes not MAKING me get rid of the monitor, she things its very cool. Its pretty much I'd rather have smaller and less constly monitor so I feel less guilty about the huge charge I put on my card, trying to pay it off and only to find myself down the road wishing I didn't spend that much when the SED displays come out and I'd be more willing to shell that much dough for a LCD.

That, and were trying to save for a beach vacation together and i'd rather put the money towards something more meaningful as I really do love this woman.

Either way, the LCD has been sold and im placing an order for a Viewsonic 930b right now.
IceWind said:
Keep in mind guys, shes not MAKING me get rid of the monitor, she things its very cool. Its pretty much I'd rather have smaller and less constly monitor so I feel less guilty about the huge charge I put on my card, trying to pay it off and only to find myself down the road wishing I didn't spend that much when the SED displays come out and I'd be more willing to shell that much dough for a LCD.

That, and were trying to save for a beach vacation together and i'd rather put the money towards something more meaningful as I really do love this woman.

Either way, the LCD has been sold and im placing an order for a Viewsonic 930b right now.

Go for it.
Well, I think you've made a smart choice. You should post some pics and your thoughts about that 930b, I heard it has bad backlighting...? Anyway's sorry to hear about your loss, but congrats on the new gal pal. :p