SMP Won't Install on Windows 7


Feb 20, 2005
I installed Win 7 RC a few days ago and can't get the smp client to install. Currently trying the 6.23 beta mpi clent. I get the same error message when I run install.bat :

OpenSCManager failed:
Access is denied. (error 5)
Unable to remove the previous installation, install failed.
account (domain\user) [Spooge1\Jason]: Jason
confirm password:
Password encrypted into the Registry.
Unable to connect to 'Spooge1:8676',
sock error: generic socket failure, error stack:
MPIDU_Sock_post_connect(1228): unable to connect to Spooge1 on port 8676, exhaus
ted all endpoints (errno -1)
MPIDU_Sock_post_connect(1275): unable to connect to Spooge1 on port 8676, No con
nection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. (errno 100
Press any key to continue . . .

Any suggestions would be great so I can try to thrash Win 7 and get the bugs out!!
Do you have a password set for your account? Are you running the installer as an administrator?

Also, have you considered running VM(s) with the Linux SMP client instead? It is much more efficient, especially with quad-core CPUs.
Yes there's a password and my account is an Admin. Not really looking to run a VM since this is my main box and the lag running the gpu client is enough to deal with now. I've tried running mpiexec -register as well....still get the same errors.
get a VM setup, its easier than screwing with the SMP client, much easier IMO
Yes there's a password and my account is an Admin. Not really looking to run a VM since this is my main box and the lag running the gpu client is enough to deal with now. I've tried running mpiexec -register as well....still get the same errors.
Even if your account is an administrator account, it doesn't have full admin privileges. Right-click on install.bat and select "Run as administrator".
Yep :p I actually just figured that out about 10 minutes ago....i ran cmd as admin and it all worked just fine. Damn vista/win 7 and user security.

But thanks for the reply, I would've needed it had I not dug thru the vista faq!!