SMP + GPU2 Questions


Jun 12, 2006
So a couple of weeks ago I came home from work to find that a VMWare crash had blue screened my computer. Since then, without fail my computer will blue screen within an hour or two of starting up my VMs. Since this started, I've just been running standard + GPU on my quad with no problems, leaving 2 cores essentially useless.

Since I'm going to be busy with work + school for the next long while, I want to prevent this from happening again, so I just want to move to a Win SMP + GPU2 client. Is the best way to go about this to just stick the SMP on 2 cores, with a standard and GPU soaking up the extra, or can I lock it to 3 cores with Affinity Changer (or similar) without screwing up performance?

I could be wrong but my guess is If you have VMware issues, the Win SMP is going to be way worse.Last time I tried it it was crap,but they might have fixed it.

I would be looking for a hardware problem.
I could be wrong but my guess is If you have VMware issues, the Win SMP is going to be way worse.Last time I tried it it was crap,but they might have fixed it.

I would be looking for a hardware problem.

I've already ruled out hardware issues. The crashes are being caused directly by the VMWare driver. I'm guessing this stems back to a power outage I had a few weeks ago. The problems all started around then. When the VM is actually running, the client is perfectly stable and happy, showing no errors. I've also done my standard software (GPU2 + Standard) and pegged the other two cores at full to check for instability, and nothing goes wrong on multi-day runs, so I've basically narrowed it to VMWare driver having been corrupted by a crash.

Basically what I'm looking for is any numbers people have running WinSMP + GPU2 on their rigs, since a minimal difference in PPD gets dwarfed by the GPU2 performance anyway. At this point, I'm just looking for the setup with the least work involved.

What I ment was the Win SMP was unstable last time I tried it,if your sure its Vware reinstalling would be the fastest simplest thing. And console Cpu clients are a pretty safe bet to run.
I've been having no stability problems with the winsmp honestly. Install the latest hotfix and you should be good to go. With my ATI GPU2 and winSMP I'm pulling in just under 4k ppd. Not great, but with the new ATI WUs coming out that should go up. Just don't do what I did today. I lost out on about 12 hours of GPU folding because I forgot to resume the client when I finished playing a game :-p
