Smilely Request


[H]F Junkie
Nov 12, 2003
Hey [H] Admins,

Do you think we can add a thumbs up and a thumbs down to the smilies? I think it would be useful since this is a forum of help and news about computers. If you put one thumbsup in a post, at least you know what the person is talking about. (He/she approves it or says its good) Other members, please post here if you agree.
I think we could at least use some new smilies, even if it isn't the thumbs up/thumbs down ones.

a [H] smiley would be kinda neat, and would some up quite well when we thought what someone did was [H]ard
I think too many forum go overboard with smilies. The smilies we have now express basic emotions quite adequetly, why is there a need for anything else?

One thing I've always really liked about the [H] is it's cleanness and simplicity; no stupid avatars, no stupid sig images, and no stupid 1000's of smilies.
Talon Blackrazor said:
I think too many forum go overboard with smilies. The smilies we have now express basic emotions quite adequetly, why is there a need for anything else?

One thing I've always really liked about the [H] is it's cleanness and simplicity; no stupid avatars, no stupid sig images, and no stupid 1000's of smilies.
yup... this forum is about computers.. not about how emoticons look

would be nice for a few extra smilies tho, that i dont mind
I just can't fully express myself in 11 smilies :(

an ugh smilie and a drool smilie would really help fill out what is needed.

I miss the josegarcias and shens smilies, though they aren't needed.

thumbs up and thumbs down would be nice. they are post icons rather then smilies here :(
ComputerBox34 said:
That's hosted from Hard Forum but how come it isn't on the smiley menu?
You have to get the link for that image (which can be found when you create a new topic), and use the image tags.

I'm happy with what we got now, but I don't mind if more are added. Probably wouldn't use em though.
ChingChang said:
You have to get the link for that image (which can be found when you create a new topic), and use the image tags.

I'm happy with what we got now, but I don't mind if more are added. Probably wouldn't use em though.

I know that but where did you find the link?
lol, I'm a smiley person as well. I like to have different smilies for different things. But, some people go overboard with them and put 'em everyone. That I really cannot stand...
ComputerBox34 said:
That's hosted from Hard Forum but how come it isn't on the smiley menu?
hmmm... I can't remember lol

I thought you could choose what pic you wanted when you create posts, but I don't see it there anymore... was that option disabled? or am I just a retard who can't remember shit? heh