small lcd

Nov 1, 2001
ok now i looked through the faq didnt find any thing so.

i need a lcd that can do 1024x768 or 800x600 over regular db15. the best part is they need to be no moar then 2.5 inches diaganaly(SP?) at max.

i hope theres somthing out there i can use.

i was also thinking of getting thoes pices that go on cameas for you eye. or the side lcd. but is it possable to hook that in to my puter?

well thanks.
The best resolution i've seen on small LCDs is 640x480, and that was on a 5" LCD, so I don't think you're going to have much luck, simple because of the physical size of the pixels. To get an LCD of that size that would run that resolution, the physical pixels would be tiny. Besides, it would be un-readable anyway at that size. Think about it: Take the image on your regular sized 17" monitor @ 1024x768, and physically resize the pixels by 2/17th. Tiny. Finally, the chance of you finding something in the first place that would be connectable over to a regular video card would be even slimmer to none. More information on your intended use would be helpful
db15 is a regular monitor connector should look fine as long as you stay near the native

crazy you thinkin bout putting this ting inside your case so you could just have your case sitting infront of you with your display?