Slow Win98 network transfers


Limp Gawd
Jun 12, 2002
I'm running my old win98 box while my laptop is being RMA'ed, and it generally does what I need it to. Web browsing/downloads are reasonably fast, and I've seen Steam pull down over 500k/s to update itself, which seems on par with what I'd expect from my home's cable connection in the past.

However, before sending my laptop off, I backed up some of my data to my brother's computer on the network. Now I'd like to use some of those resources on my temporary box, but transfer speed over the network is awful. I started transferring a 600mb file at 5 in the morning and at 11:45, it's still not done. Browsing the other computer is speedy, but when it comes to actually making a transfer, speeds plummet. I'm using the same network jack that worked fine on my laptop, so I believe the problem is somewhere inside my computer. I suppose it could be my network card, but I've already updated to the latest drivers, and I wonder if perhaps Windows 98 is to blame. It's a three-day-old install and spyware/virus free, but I haven't started tweaking any network settings, so if 98 was broken as delivered, it hasn't been fixed.

Any help diagnosing/fixing the problem would be greatly appreciated. I can provide hardware information on request, but it's all pretty generic stuff.