Slow load times on Firefox posting

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Rolling Sarcophagus

Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 8, 2010
Is there an issue here or something I am doing? Ever since the Bad Gateway errors last week it takes 45-60 seconds to post a "quick reply". It also does not post the way it used to, now it does it's thing like it used to (just very slow) and then it loads a new page altogether. Going advanced does not speed the process up any appreciable amount.
This is happening on every computer I try it on; Quick Reply used to be just that, 1 second, 2 max. I've tried wiping cache/cookies, etc. Load the site up in IE and every thing is as it should be.
I'm sure it's something on my end, but thought maybe someone had an idea.
Oy, been dealing with this for days not wanting to say anything, as soon as I do the problem goes away 2 hours later.

Disregard, nothing to see here.
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