Slow install of OS on i7 with P6T Deluxe V2


Dec 23, 2006
I'm not certain where to put this... I've chosen here because I think I've done enough swapping for the problem to be focused on the MB/CPU.

Build is a new i7 920 in an Asus P6T Deluxe V2. 12GB Corsair RAM. Some older components: Radeon 4850, a 150GB Raptor (sata), and a 750W Corsair inside a Coolermaster Sniper case. Setup has gone very smoothly, all hardware functions test out.

Then I put in an OS disk (tried Vista-32 retail, Vista-64 retail, W7 7068 64), it boots fine off CD, then seemingly just freezes at that first desktop background screen before it pops up the dialog asking you to select a language before proceeding with install. The wait is around 10 minutes. Once I do so, it gets stuck for another 20 minutes (hourglass cursor again) before bringing up the actual installer screen where you format partitions, choose upgrade/advanced, and do the install. Once the install starts it's extremely smooth, no problems whatsoever. But at the start of the install is close to 30 minutes of waiting.

Thought maybe it was multiple drives... switched the raptor to a 1TB WD GP drive, nope.

Thought maybe it's a quirk of 12GB of RAM.... methodically went all the way down to a single 2GB stick, didn't help.

Thought maybe it was OC settings or something, reset to default, nope.

Thought maybe it was disk configuration... tried IDE, tried AHCI, tried RAID... nothing.

Thought it was a BIOS issue... upgraded to the latest March '09 BIOS off Asus's horribly unresponsive-and-prone-to-become-unavailable website (a harder tasking than assembling the computer, that's for sure) but nope.

Any idea what's going on, or suggestions for things to try? I did a good deal of searching and all I found were glowing reports of smooth Vista and W7 installs on this platform. Indeed it works well once I've gotten it up and running, but the initial install seems to hang something up and that has me concerned.
I was able to duplicate the issue with both Vista 32-bit retail and Vista 64-bit SP1. Having swapped out every other piece of hardware, this just seems... strange... but since there are no other symptoms and things are fine after the OS installs, I'm prepared to let this one go...
I have P6T V1, and I had a similar experience. I had built a new system, using a Samsung burner, which I thought was somehow defective. It took so long to install Vista on the PC, but not as long as your wait time.

After completing the Install, loading up the drivers, the burner performed very fast. I'm not sure why the P6T is so slow when installing Windows.
I built a similar rig a couple of weeks ago - i7 920, P6T Deluxe V2, ATI 4870X2, Auzentech X-Fi, 2 Raptor 150s in RAID0.

Installed Vista Home Premium 64 without a hitch. The entire install was under 30 minutes. I did not try any other OS.

The only suggestion I have is checking your optical drive. Good luck with it.
Interesting that you mention that, mine is a cheap Samsung DVD burner from Microcenter. Interesting.....
That seems normal to me. I experienced the same issue with my build. Specs in sig. Eventually after the wait everything installed smoothly and its been running without a hitch since. Patience is virtue unfortunately :-(
I actually had similar issues with Vista and a Samsung DVD drive (non-burning IDE). Same long waiting times just to get it to start. I also had a NEC Burner that just had problems with vista. Loading was quick and responsive, but the OS would ask for drivers for the optical drive prior to install (similar to that of AHCI or RAID drivers). That was a new one to me.
I had no such issue with my Asus P6T vanilla, and a Samsung *IDE* drive. I installed to an HDD first, then got an SSD and installed to that. If it works, it works, though... I wouldn't be too worried :).
My drive is Samsung also, but it's SATA. Maybe the Vista install chokes on IDE? Like everybody says, probably nothing to worry about.
my install was really slow too, but that was on a v1 p6t deluxe (doubt there's a difference) It runs fine though. Just deal with the slow install and see how it runs.
When I first put together my (sig) system, the install took hours, and then it took 25 minutes to boot the resulting installed OS. Once I removed an old 400GB WD hard drive, the boot time decreased to about 35-40 seconds... Since you tried different hard drives, I'm not sure what to tell you though. Maybe a bad mobo? (maybe my issue was actually the mobo, and the drive was fine...never tested that theory.)
i did not have this issue with p6t v1 and IDE dvd burner drives and a few sata HDs. Install was probably well under 30 minutes. (vista 64 sp1)
I have almost the exact same system as the OP. Except mine is using raid 0 raptors on the asus raid sata ports (jmicron) in SPeedy config (lol). I have the sata samsung and it installed pretty fast. I think the issue is that sp1 of vista does not have the X58 chipset drivers so sata performance stinks - but since it does have the older jmicron driver once the copying to the raid was over the install was speedy?? just a guess.

p.s. in the past I have had ide plextor drive not read the bootable vista install at all...swaped out to sata and boom up it goes....and vice versa...
i got the same setup but my install didnt take long at all, i actually was doing something else and didnt pay attention much. i believe it installed as fast as my 6000+ CPU.

the only issue i am having now when i enter OS and it begins to load everything it lags up pretty bad. i am thinking its the damn seagate drive. i owned WD before and they were ok, switched to seagate, those POS baraccuras broke down within a year, and i think the second drive is going because i am getting some hickups and quite a few defragments from time to time. back to WD i go
Same thing here with P6T deluxe. When installing Vista 64, it takes a good 10 minutes to get past the first screen, then everything is smooth and fast...

In the exactly same system, but with the Asus P5Q Pro instead, it took 20 seconds to pass the first screen.... :(

you mean the blank colorful screen before it goes into setting up date, country and etc? after which you enter the CD key? if thats the first screen your talking about it has been like this for me ever since vista came out, i believe its the way it unpacks the files which get ready for the install.
Yes, that's the screen. It must be a glitch because on most systems I only wait a few seconds. On this one, I have to go make some tea, and come back. The entire time, the system appears idle...
well it has always been the case for me, same thing with my last Asus M2N SLI-deluxe mobo, maybe its an asus thing. it never bothered me really, i just didnt something else while it was doing its thing
I had similar prob with my P6T Deluxe, I solved by just go in BIOS and set the floppy drive to "none", since I don't have one but it default as 1.44, so during the OS installation, it check the A drive and wait for timeout.
My Gigabyte P43 was doing the same thing. End up being that darn "Energy Saver" in combination with SpeedStep in the Bios.

shane c.

I have the P6T Deluxe board and this issue of long delays has been there for me ever since Windows Vista.

One thing I can say, is that (for me) the problem seems to be related to SATA optical drives. If I hook up an IDE DVD drive, vista and Windows 7 install in a flash.

I've tried SATA Drives from Samsung, Optiarc (sony?) and LG and the system hangs at the point mentioned by others and it can also take a while to extract files too (total install time 1-2 hours). Using IDE Drives from LG and Samsung, Windows 7 setup is complete and ready to go in 20 mins max.

Just thought I'd mention this. Not sure if it will help anyone out there.
I had this problem as well on two different installs but both using a raid 0 on a DFI P35 board with ICH9R (raptors and then Intel SSD's). I installed at work on a single drive and there were no delays except the last step took forever (but at least there was still indication that the install was running). The delays in the beginning are annoying because there is zero feedback on the screen. I think it might be a raid detection/initialization issue.

Just bought the same combo as the OP so we'll see when that hardware comes in on Wednesday or so.
I think it might be a raid detection/initialization issue.

I wonder if it would make any difference if the SATA mode is set to IDE, rather than AHCI or RAID in the BIOS?
This may seem weird but make sure your floppy drive is disabled in the BIOS. I have had this issue with multiple system and installing Windows 7.
Same problem - incredibly slow install of windows 7 on a new system (P6T Deluxe V2). Turning off the floppy in the BIOS solved the problem. Installed to SSD HD in about 10 minutes.
Have this board V2 and my install went quickly. I however no longer do OS installs from Disc. USB booting and USB windows installs FTW! My system has both a SATA Burner and a IDE burner and a Floppy which i'm about to put out due to lack of use.
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