Skyrim Modding Megathread

Another one that if it is even half as good as the Oblivion mod, will be freaking amazing. Once it is complete.

Midas Magic
Is there a way to race change that doesn't break the game?
Either you lose all your skills with showracemenu command, or you lose your head and racials with the other console command.

Bethesda did a fail job designing Khajiit (tail clipping through clothes).
Oh no, how can I tell if I messed up my character? I used showracemenu like 30 times...
If you change your gender or your race, it resets your skills and stats.
When using the showracemenu option, as long as your character's hands aren't tied in front of him (like a prisoner) then you're fine. :)
If you change your gender or your race, it resets your skills and stats.
When using the showracemenu option, as long as your character's hands aren't tied in front of him (like a prisoner) then you're fine. :)

I just reset my character's skills / attributes to what they were before using the showracemenu... that's what the console commands are for!
Ugh...I spent a good deal of time trying to get the "Blood on the Ice" quest to trigger...most buggy/annoying shit ever. I tried console commands, talking to NPCs related to the quest, stealing shit related to the quest...nothing works. The issue is that I was told to buy a house in Winterhelm, but when I talk to the steward he says there was "unpleasantness" there lately and it wasn't available yet. The house itself says "Requires Key" and I have no way to get into it.

I've read where you can force the house open and to be able to be purchased via console commands. At this point I don't think there's any other option to get the house since the quest is totally buggered.
Ugh...I spent a good deal of time trying to get the "Blood on the Ice" quest to trigger...most buggy/annoying shit ever. I tried console commands, talking to NPCs related to the quest, stealing shit related to the quest...nothing works. The issue is that I was told to buy a house in Winterhelm, but when I talk to the steward he says there was "unpleasantness" there lately and it wasn't available yet. The house itself says "Requires Key" and I have no way to get into it.

I've read where you can force the house open and to be able to be purchased via console commands. At this point I don't think there's any other option to get the house since the quest is totally buggered.

I've probably spent 10hrs dealing with the same thing (I want that house!). I put some info on it in the UESP wiki article (on the talk page). Needless to say, it has issues. It's tricky to trigger in general when working, and apparently is fragile.

A very brief summary of what I found out:

There are 3 quests involved. "MS11" - The actual quest, the only way it starts is to be triggered by the other 2 "behind the scenes" quest.
Triggering it creates the body in the cemetery, and the group of people surrounding it

The quest that handles the triggering is "MS11preessentializing". This quest is always running (sqv MS11pressentializing -console command- will report "enabled") upon first starting the game. When the trigger conditions are met, this seems to be the one that actually starts the MS11 quest (and the only way to do it, as you can't seem to start it manually your self). After it starts MS11, this quest will then terminate (enabled = false).

The quest that handles the "pre-requisites" is "MS11kicker". It contains a bunch of variables that are kept track of in order to trigger the quest.
Basically you have to "Enter Windhelm" more than 3 times. Upon entering on the 4th+ time, the time of day is checked, if it is sufficiently late enough (in the evening) the actual quest MS11 is triggered and started(see note below - you don't have to be inside the city specifically to have this happen, once it does, you can leave and whenever you come back, the murder scene will be waiting for you). To see this list of vars it tracks, type "sqv MS11kicker" into the console. It also makes a check against the total number of days passed in the game (too high and it won't go through. *Special note: "entering Windhelm" is not entering the city proper, but getting close enough. The stables, and near the farms are all trigger points that "count" as entering. So it is possible to "enter windhelm" around 4-5 types depending on how you approach the city, without ever going in

Unfortunately, if MS11 was not triggered, then no manual console commands can advance/alter the quest. Anything done to obtain the house manually, will have glitches as there are certain parts of MS11 that prepares/cleans up the house.

Generally the main problem of having the quest not Start is that MS11Preessentializing stays running forever, and never spawns MS11 (the main quest). Even when the trigger conditions are met, something seems to prevent them from recognizing.
In the quest vars, there are references to the important NPC's involved (murder victims, murderer, etc). I have seen it suggested elsewhere that one thing that can happen is all these NPC need to be available, and if one of them somehow gets stuck/off their script, then the quest won't trigger. Specifically if Calixo's house is broken into (lock picked) there is a chance that can mess with his routine. (I routinely pick all the locks in towns at night to up my skill, so I definitely did this multiple times) I have tried this out on an earlier savegame, and it didn't seem to have an effect, so I"m not sure. One could try to "fix" Calixo with the console, although what little playing around I have done didn't seem to do anything. Unfortunately it's not as simple as deleting him and replacing with a clone, as the behind the scenes quests track the reference to the specific Calixo in the game, and if you replace him with another the objectRef changes (the quest is still looking for the old delete one). I can't find a command that changes that, and it might only be an option through the creation kit

I've gone back to earlier saves and the quest can be triggered/advanced fine.
On My main save I have already entered windhelm 46 times (variable MS11EnteringWindhelmCount). My first save where the count is below 4 (25hrs earlier!), if I attempt to enter on the 4th time after 9pm, the quest triggers fine and the murder scene spawns. So something happened in between then, which I'm guessing is I picked Calixo's lock one to many times before the 4th time I entered (at night). Even changing all the quest vars back, (those that we can change), it still wont' trigger, so there is something else external that prevents it

I can't give up 25hrs of play just for that house (even though I'm sure I've wasted as much trying to get it already!) so it looks like it may only be fixed in a patch. Quest bug fixes aren't coming until the new Year, so it might be a while. If you are someone planning on doing this quest, reader the spoiler tags and make sure you "trigger" it as soon as you plan to first head to Windhelm, so that it becomes and option for you.

Hope that wasn't too long ;)
Taken down.

The logistics of trying to get something like that off the ground makes my mind melt.

At the very least, I can't see how they even begin to try a project like that without The Creation Kit.

I read it yesterday, apparently it's just simple chat-type stuff at this point, where players appear as a spectral horse or something.

It's still mind-blowing that they've managed to pull off something like this without the CK!!

check out the Tytanis project's WIP section:

Works in progress:

Furniture crafting and placement
More custom spells/crafts/weapons/armorsMore skill trees and perks
New custom animations
New interactive and world effecting decisions
Skyrim: Multiplayer (Freeworld, Co-Op and Arena) - I've finished recycling some old code of mine that I did for another single-player game. The only thing I'm waiting for is further development @ SKSE.
Houses - Two are already built, third one is a castle with quests.
Population - Hundreds of new NPCs, some with quests. - 5% completed
Mounts - Elk, DragonNew menu styles with more features - 15% completed
Nexus Mod Manager Contributions
Full character XML dumping/tracking

Can't fucking wait for this game to become something so much better. I had to roll a new character again to keep having fun. I keep getting to a point with my characters where i get too many items and then managing my inventory and professions just becomes a nightmare.

I want a difficult game, so i make it that way with mods and settings and stuff... where it's difficult enough to require the complete use of everything i have at my disposal... but in every game i get to the same point (mid 20's), where in order to keep moving along, i need better tools (UI, keybindings). It really feels like the game's controls (or lack thereof) force me to play shitty, and it's annoying. Being able to jump while sprinting would go a LOOONG way lol

Also, i can't wait for a combat mod that adds in Dark Messiah or Mount & Blade type melee combat... the perk trees really leave a lot to be desired... they should have been crammed full of moves = /
It's still mind-blowing that they've managed to pull off something like this without the CK!!

That is one thing that the folks who are playing a TES game for the first time do not understand; the mods that are coming out now are top notch if only WIP in some cases, but the stuff that is going to start pouring out once the CK comes out is going to blow some peoples minds.

Once the Obscuro/Midas Madic/Deadly Reflex level of mods start populating it's going to be a game changer.
Ugh...I spent a good deal of time trying to get the "Blood on the Ice" quest to trigger...most buggy/annoying shit ever. I tried console commands, talking to NPCs related to the quest, stealing shit related to the quest...nothing works. The issue is that I was told to buy a house in Winterhelm, but when I talk to the steward he says there was "unpleasantness" there lately and it wasn't available yet. The house itself says "Requires Key" and I have no way to get into it.

I've read where you can force the house open and to be able to be purchased via console commands. At this point I don't think there's any other option to get the house since the quest is totally buggered.

I'm stuck on the "Look for Clues" part of that one, and can't figure out what I'm supposed to do to advance it. I went in some random house and that advanced it some, so I guess I'll just keep screwing around with it as I have time. I guess I can read the spoilers that aggies11 posted, but at this point I don't care enough.
I can't give up 25hrs of play just for that house (even though I'm sure I've wasted as much trying to get it already!) so it looks like it may only be fixed in a patch. Quest bug fixes aren't coming until the new Year, so it might be a while. If you are someone planning on doing this quest, reader the spoiler tags and make sure you "trigger" it as soon as you plan to first head to Windhelm, so that it becomes and option for you.

Hope that wasn't too long ;)

Yeah...Thanks for the info. The problem for me is that the quest won't trigger at all, regardless of what I do. I've tried "setting the stage" for it as best I can, but I've read that after you do certain quests (DB, some of the civil war ones, etc) it makes that particular quest less likely to be able to trigger. I've also heard that after 245 game days you are unable to start it period, and while I'm not there yet (only around 210 or so) I don't think a patch is going to come out before I hit that mark...though maybe that's a bug also and they'll patch it to work beyond that. I've read that there are ways to force the dialogue so that you can purchase the house and decorations without ever doing the quest...not sure if I want to do that yet or not. Strange how buggy that particular quest is, whereas I've barely had any problems with any of the other bazillion quests in the game.

While this is still the best available, i'm starting to wonder if the author has moved on... it's been early November since the last update, and it's has a pretty debilitating bug with enchanting and alchemy. I'm still using an older version of the mod which doesn't have these problems, at the cost of a few of the nicer features.
While this is still the best available, i'm starting to wonder if the author has moved on... it's been early November since the last update, and it's has a pretty debilitating bug with enchanting and alchemy. I'm still using an older version of the mod which doesn't have these problems, at the cost of a few of the nicer features.

The enchanting bug hasn't stopped me from using it. You just have to be a little more deliberate in your mouse clicks going from screen to screen. I think the modder might have moved on though; I would if I saw SkyUI in the works.
The interface buttons on QD feel too spread out, the NPC's gear is in the top left, and my gear is in the top right, if you have a lot of categories it actually clips off the screen. For example by the time I select my "Misc" category, some of the vendors' categories are gone off the side.

Then the cursor for selecting items is now located at the top of the list rather than the middle. So as you scroll past items, they disappear off the menu. Default cursor location is the MIDDLE of the list which actually makes it easier to navigate.

And finally, since the categories are now at the top of the screen rather than the side (directly next to the items) you have to constantly whip back and forth, from left-side to top-side to change items, select categories, and scroll through the vendor/your lists.

All in all I disliked QD, uninstalled it after an hour.
It's possible to keep a clean, sleek, and easy-to-use UI like the default one and combine it with KB/M friendly elements. It looks like SkyUI does a better job.
Yeah...Thanks for the info. The problem for me is that the quest won't trigger at all, regardless of what I do.

Sorry, the last comment wasn't about you specifically, but for anyone else.

This is a non standard quest, it's triggering is actually quite involved, and requires the interactions of a few behind the scene quests, which increases the chances of something going wrong. You can't do anything in the console regarding the quest, until it is set to enabled. The traditional methods of adding, or setting of stages doesn't apply. The MS11preessentializing quest is the only thing that can do it, and if that doesn't trigger according to the way described previously, then we are just plain out of luck :( If your glitch is like mine, the quest itself never triggers (at the low level, not even talking about the journal), which means you can't even advance stages. Other people who get stuck during it, at least have it enabled and so have something to work with.

You can get the house manually, without too much trouble, but without successfully completing Blood on the Ice, it's not the same and has some obvious drawbacks. Goes from being the "best, most desirable house", to merely so-so.

The only possible avenue, is to figure out what is going wrong with the behind-the-scenes quests missing the trigger. And maybe fixing that (eg. teleporting stuck NPC's, placing items, etc). But that doesn't look hopeful (I couldn't find anything at least). Until the creation kit comes out, and maybe by that time it'll be officially patched.

Generally I don't mind the buggyness of bethesda games as the PC version's console is usually enough to smooth out any bumps (one of the many reasons I love PC gaming). This one falls outside of that, and stings that much more because of it.

(PS. use the console to find out the value of MS11enteringwindhelmcount, find an old save where that number is less then 4. Then fast travel to the settlement south of Windhelm, wait until after 9pm (11pm is safe), and then walk north past the stables over the bridge to Windhelm. Check the status of the variable again, (it should be higher now). You can then check the status of the quests, if everything works, it *should* enable. This works for me, which shows that something I did *since* that save, cost the trigger to miss, and I can never get it back. Doesn't really help much, but at least you can see how it's supposed to go down :/ )
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The enchanting bug hasn't stopped me from using it. You just have to be a little more deliberate in your mouse clicks going from screen to screen. I think the modder might have moved on though; I would if I saw SkyUI in the works.

I wonder if i tested an extra-broken version or something... i recall enchanting being 100% unusable because all the reference #'s were gone or incorrect. You coudln't tell what you were doing, couldn't even disenchant items. (you had no idea which one you were going to dench)
Not sure if this has been posted yet, it's from the guy who made the Enhancement Suite for GTAIV:

Wow came across this today:
From what I understand you become your own faction. Able to build a city, hire guards, wage war on other factions. Still in the early stages but looks to be a ton of fun!

That does indeed look like it's going to be badass!

Also, apparently people already think they can pull off Co-Op, Freeworld, and Arena multiplayer options.

Man January can't get here soon enough!!
I wonder if i tested an extra-broken version or something... i recall enchanting being 100% unusable because all the reference #'s were gone or incorrect. You coudln't tell what you were doing, couldn't even disenchant items. (you had no idea which one you were going to dench)

Whatever build I have is a bit clunky in enchanting. You can still see everything, but what you click on doesn't necessarily get activated so you may see another item on the right-side preview/stats pane. I found clicking other items before my final selection would work. I'll upload a video of my work-around on twitch later.
Has anyone gotten the Skyrim Enhanced Shader mod and the Injector mod to work together? Here's a link to the Enhanced Shader mod:

Supposedly all you do is rename the .dll file from the Injector mod and "daisy-chain" it in with an .ini edit and the two of them will work together. After installing it, the pause key no longer enables/disables the injector mod and I'm not sure if it's even running.

I'm working on a playthrough right now with that mod, but i haven't played enough to really see all it has to offer. The most noticeable changes are to crafting. Lots of new recipes, lots of new ingredients, types of metal, etc... i can't wait to experience the change to the warmaster perk

Edit for question:

The skyrim launcher displays mod files in such a retarded and overlapping way. It also doesn't let you set the load order. Is there a launcher people are using yet?
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