Skyrim Modding Megathread

I've tried a couple. I tried rebooting as well. It just sits at the loading screen forever now. Fucking game. :mad:

EDIT: I went back a few more saves per your suggestion loaded! Lost some progress but I guess it's better than not playing the game at all. No idea why it fucks up like that.
I think i'll go home and backup my saves =P

Regarding the HD texture pack, i will definitely go home and do more testing with screenshots.
I think i'll go home and backup my saves =P

Regarding the HD texture pack, i will definitely go home and do more testing with screenshots.

Yeah, I would back up just in case. Actually when I rolled back to a previous save and installed the HD texture pack (2048x2048) it worked just fine. Weird as hell.

Seems like it does cause a little slowdown for me but not too big. Mostly in cities where there is already noticeable slowdown anyway.
I've been runnign the HD pack 2kx2k for a couple days just fine. (knock on wood). also using an SSD so haven't noticed any long load times.
Yeah, I would back up just in case. Actually when I rolled back to a previous save and installed the HD texture pack (2048x2048) it worked just fine. Weird as hell.

Seems like it does cause a little slowdown for me but not too big. Mostly in cities where there is already noticeable slowdown anyway.

how do you feel about those textures at a distance?
Can you find a better host for this? The image looks odd, and I can't tell if its because its had too much sharpness applied, or if its just bad compression from imgur.

If you are using FXAA it seems that any sort of image resize, really does mess with the contrast of the image (darker edges, etc), giving it an almost "smokey" look. If you are already using a sharpen filter, then the result gives an image that looks almost smudged. The resized photos don't do the originals justice.

Check out this small group of photos here (a few random SS that I took while out wandering). You can see a similar effect (although not as large, as I tried to tune the Injectors settings to my own preferences, ie. reduce the darkening around the edges) for the default images, however if you click the magnify icon in the upper right of the image (overlayed upon mouse-over), it takes you to the full-res versions (zoom to full res if your browser resizes), and you can see that they clear up a bit and look more reasonable.

It's a strange thing, I noticed it originally in BF3 (and infact I prefer the effect in that game, it seems to give more richness and depth to the shadows/lighting, so I actually play the SP at a non native res and upscale, to get the same effect). Always something to tweak I guess ;)
I noticed setting the uExterior Cell Buffer=128 can really gobble up some memory if you have it. From the tweak guide it says it is just a memory buffer for ugrids, so more is better if you can afford it.
I noticed setting the uExterior Cell Buffer=128 can really gobble up some memory if you have it. From the tweak guide it says it is just a memory buffer for ugrids, so more is better if you can afford it.

I noticed setting the uExterior Cell Buffer=128 can really gobble up some memory if you have it. From the tweak guide it says it is just a memory buffer for ugrids, so more is better if you can afford it.

If you're not doing ugrids is there really any point or benefit from messing around with that at all?
Ehh it's not taking up as much more memory as I thought it was at first. Maybe the game was flaky. Sorry. I'd like other people to take a look at it though.

If you're not doing ugrids is there really any point or benefit from messing around with that at all?
Well I think we still need to look at it more.

Also, does anyone have any tips on how to reduce the shadow popin on tree's? It's ugly to be running along and see shadows pop into trees.
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Just a note for anyone using the FXAA injector (and it's variants), that also has Vsync disabled, and so runs into issues when the frame-rate goes high (mouse sensitivity, physics and water glitches, etc). One way to fix the issue is to run a framerate limiter, but that requires using a custom DX wrapper/patch (d3d dll), which is how the injector works in the first place, so they are mutually exclusive.

I don't think I saw this one posted, but basically someone has put out a merge of the FXAA Injector, and the ENBSeries mod (different flavour of the same idea). Why this is note-able, is the ENBSeries just added in a framerate limiter. So if you use this, you can have the best of both worlds. The mod is located here.

Use your existing Injector settings file, essentially what this does is do some re-naming to chain the two DLLs together, to get both effects. (ENBSeries allows the inclusion of external d3d dll patches, which is how this works)

Some people are interested in the ENBSeries (or it's variants, like Enhanced Shaders/HDR) for it's own post process effects, but I just wanted it for the fps cap. One thing worth noting is the ENB has some "graphics glitch" fixes, which basically amount to spoofing the GPU name to Skyrim, to disable some card/driver specific optimizations. On many ATI setups this causes a considerable performance drop. I haven't noticed any glitches in my vanilla game, and thats not why I wanted to use the thing, so you can turn them (and the spoofing) off in the enbpatch.ini, "FixGraphics=false". You can set the framerate limit under "FPSLimit=60", although for some that number might need to be doubled to get an effective lock.

Gonna try it out myself to see if it helps smooth out the high-framerate weirdness, without introducing any other issues, as my game is running beautifully at the moment.
Just a note for anyone using the FXAA injector (and it's variants), that also has Vsync disabled, and so runs into issues when the frame-rate goes high (mouse sensitivity, physics and water glitches, etc). One way to fix the issue is to run a framerate limiter, but that requires using a custom DX wrapper/patch (d3d dll), which is how the injector works in the first place, so they are mutually exclusive.

Or you can use something like DXTory. Last time I tried ENB it cut my framerate in half with no real IQ increase that I could notice. I'm happy using the tweaked sharpening settings posted before.
I'm still trying to get a bead on this performance drop phenomenon that I get and I think I've seen the pattern.

It only happens outside and it only shows up if I've done a bunch of fast traveling. Got to be some memory issue or some such involved there.
Or you can use something like DXTory. Last time I tried ENB it cut my framerate in half with no real IQ increase that I could notice. I'm happy using the tweaked sharpening settings posted before.


I've found ENB is only good if you like taking screenshots. I tried it for Skyrim and it murdered my fps. The FXAA injectors works and looks better IMO, aside from the mouse movement (I have the object fade slider at 1, everything else maxed and it works fairly well)
I think people should just avoid using that FXAA injector, seriously. It looks like garbage people. :p
Ehh, the part about FXAA is that it causes me to much FPS stutter. When FXAA on, at 45 FPS the game stutters. Without FXAA at 45 FPS the game plays just fine. Been sticking with traditional AA.

I've found ENB is only good if you like taking screenshots. I tried it for Skyrim and it murdered my fps. The FXAA injectors works and looks better IMO, aside from the mouse movement (I have the object fade slider at 1, everything else maxed and it works fairly well)

Agreed, never had any respect for ENB's' mods, they absolutely murder frame rates for tone mapping and SSAO and they're a nightmare to install usually. I tried his skyrim performance "patches" and followed the instructions to the letter (On a 560ti 2GB for reference) and I actually lost 5-7 frames. Overblown contrast and color saturation were hurting my eyes, but did look nice in screenshots as another user mentioned. On a side note I navigated over to his home page, saw his profile and the list of everything he hates which made me lose even more respect for him as a person. Guy must be like 18 to have a list of "hates".
I'm still trying to get a bead on this performance drop phenomenon that I get and I think I've seen the pattern.

It only happens outside and it only shows up if I've done a bunch of fast traveling. Got to be some memory issue or some such involved there.

Have you tried console -> pcb (purge cell buffer). I used to have the same issue in Oblivion after a bunch of fast travelling and when doing a bunch of zoning, like in a city.

This clears the cache.

There was a mod for Oblivion that set a script to do this every so often, I just used a G key on my keyboard that I built a macro for. I would guess the same issue could occur in Skyrim given that the engine is basically the same.
I think people should just avoid using that FXAA injector, seriously. It looks like garbage people. :p

Not with my settings. Minimal sharpening + more vibrant colors but nothing over the top. Looks 10x better than vanilla with the green/yellow HUE.
Just tried the ENB mod and FXAA injector, both look like crap. Cranking saturation and contrast != better graphics.
Have you tried console -> pcb (purge cell buffer). I used to have the same issue in Oblivion after a bunch of fast travelling and when doing a bunch of zoning, like in a city.

This clears the cache.

I lived and died by this in Oblivion but it doesn't seem to help here.

There was a mod for Oblivion that set a script to do this every so often, I just used a G key on my keyboard that I built a macro for. I would guess the same issue could occur in Skyrim given that the engine is basically the same.

The mod was Streamline. I used it. ;)
Ehh, the part about FXAA is that it causes me to much FPS stutter. When FXAA on, at 45 FPS the game stutters. Without FXAA at 45 FPS the game plays just fine. Been sticking with traditional AA.

I think i'm having this same exact problem, its almost unplayable with the stutter
Just tried the ENB mod and FXAA injector, both look like crap. Cranking saturation and contrast != better graphics.

You can tone the FXAA injector settings down. Here are a before and after with my current settings, with sharpening completely disabled.

FXAA disabled, FXAA enabled

The effects used are bloom, technicolor, and tonemap. It's not for everyone but it makes it more moody/creepy IMO.
I just want a mod to get rid of the 'white haze' that covers the game during the day.
Might be bloom related, I don't know. It looks like your FXAA Enabled screenshot reduces it a little.
I've been using the SMAA injector instead. It doesn't blur things at all like the FXAA injector does, but the smoothing isn't quite as least not yet.
Awesome, downloading now
You can tone the FXAA injector settings down. Here are a before and after with my current settings, with sharpening completely disabled.

FXAA disabled, FXAA enabled

The effects used are bloom, technicolor, and tonemap. It's not for everyone but it makes it more moody/creepy IMO.
I played with all the settings, I just think it looks fake/plastic/cartoony. The "before" shot looks better to me, although it's very pale/hazy, not sure what's wrong there. I'm wondering if some of you need to calibrate your monitors. Here are a few random shots from my Steam library - . I think they look better than anything I've seen from ENB of FXAA. If SMAA gives me AA without touching my textures, I'll be a happy man.
@MavericK96, are you referring to sharpened textures, or actual ini settings?

I'm using the FXAA injector custom settings that m3ta1head posted awhile back (which has mainly sharpening and tonemapping tweaks), as well as some .ini tweaks for shadows, water, etc.

I tried the ENB thing (which replaces the FXAA injector) back when it was at release 3 or something, and I saw zero improvement over normal .ini tweaks, except that my framerate took a huge dive. I quit using it after that and switched to the FXAA injector with the custom sharpening settings, which IMO makes the game look phenomenal. Once you use it and toggle it off, you see how grey and bland the game looks without it.

Not sure if that answered your question...
Oh, and I got that issue again where trying to load my saves would just sit at the loading screen forever. This was after having played the previous day but making ZERO changes to any files in the meantime.

I think the problem is that with that 2K HD texture pack, if you save outdoors and then try to load, it will just hang forever. If I go back and load a save where I was indoors, even if it was just prior to the other save, it will load just fine. Then, going outside from that save works fine as well. Not sure what is going on there, but if you have problems give that a try. I guess from now one I just have to try to remember to save indoors... :rolleyes:
Here's a couple of screenshots with that custom FXAA filter on versus off.

Shouldn't be any spoilers in the screenshots, but here's the warning anyway.

FXAA Sharpening Off

FXAA Sharpening On

Sorry for the downscaling, Photobucket is a piece of shit. Still, you can see the difference regardless.
Just tried the ENB mod and FXAA injector, both look like crap. Cranking saturation and contrast != better graphics.

I too didn't like the default profiles. However the beautify of the Injector is that it was a framework (really a simple way to add some pre-sharpening, that improves the FXAA process, reducing the blur, and a little bit of colour tone changing for good measure) that you can use as the basis to tailor the game a bit towards your personal preference.

I posted a config I tweaked in this thread here, after sampling a ton of custom profiles. (Small gallery here , make sure to magnify to full res (1680x1050) for full effect) Basically just to get a little bit of sharpening to help with the FXAA and lower texture quality. If you are willing to spend the time, you can adjust it to your liking, or just sample a few different popular ones and see if there is one that sticks. For me, I find it really makes the environments feel more crisp and alive, without the over-vibrant cartoon look that many people seem to enjoy.
Here's a couple of screenshots with that custom FXAA filter on versus off.

Shouldn't be any spoilers in the screenshots, but here's the warning anyway.

FXAA Sharpening Off

FXAA Sharpening On

Sorry for the downscaling, Photobucket is a piece of shit. Still, you can see the difference regardless.
Yeah, the before just looks so much better. And use imageshack :cool:.
I too didn't like the default profiles. However the beautify of the Injector is that it was a framework (really a simple way to add some pre-sharpening, that improves the FXAA process, reducing the blur, and a little bit of colour tone changing for good measure) that you can use as the basis to tailor the game a bit towards your personal preference.

I posted a config I tweaked in this thread here, after sampling a ton of custom profiles. (Small gallery here , make sure to magnify to full res (1680x1050) for full effect) Basically just to get a little bit of sharpening to help with the FXAA and lower texture quality. If you are willing to spend the time, you can adjust it to your liking, or just sample a few different popular ones and see if there is one that sticks. For me, I find it really makes the environments feel more crisp and alive, without the over-vibrant cartoon look that many people seem to enjoy.
The thing is though, I don't want to screw with the color. The color is perfect because I calibrated my monitor. However, I would like to have AA without blurring the hell out of the scene with FXAA or having performance take a nose dive with MSAA. Re-correcting the image sharpness to offset the blurring of FXAA just makes everything look even worse IMO. That's why I'm excited to try SMAA :cool:.
Anyone want to talk about non graphic mods?

Yea, do you have any content/gameplay/ruleset mods on your list? I'm nearing completion of my first playthrough, now I want to find mods that fix broken mechanics, scaling, crafting etc.