Skyrim for $30 on GMG

BAH. Not home at the moment. Hopefully it's still up in 2 hours

EDIT: Saw 50% off on main page but when I got to the check-out (even though I can't buy it yet) the check-out said it was full price?!
tried to buy but my card kept failing the Verified by Visa authorization (?) applet. was in the process of going through Paypal but now it's back to regular price ($53.99). Sigh :(
Love how they run these sales at the crack of dawn, and they are over by the time normal folks are up and on the internet.
It's aggravating these are run during most people's business hours. I frequently see these in time, used to wonder why people would get upset that digital sales would "sell out," but damn, why always work time? Maybe all these services work fine from another comp, but I'm not comfortable until I've done it once from them.

Well since they aren't located in North America they are running them based on UK time which is 5 hours behind EST. Which likely makes the timing even more confusing.
Well since they aren't located in North America they are running them based on UK time which is 5 hours behind EST. Which likely makes the timing even more confusing.

You mean ahead, not behind. When it is 12 EST it is 5PM in the UK.

It appears these deals stop at around 4pm or so GMT.
Yeah, I think these deals begin at like 4 AM in my time zone. Kinda lame.