Skybound Games to Complete Telltale's "Walking Dead" with Original Devs


Aug 20, 2006
Telltale Games has ended on a sad note, but there is one glimmer of positive news for Walking Dead fans: Skybound Games has announced it has taken ownership of the series and will finish up the final season, which was left hanging when the majority of Telltale’s staff abruptly got the boot. Studio founder Robert Kirkman says he’s doing what he can to get members of the original Telltale team to finish the story.

The final episodes for Telltale Games “The Walking Dead: The Final Season” will be released afterall, with Skybound taking over development and publishing of the game, “Walking Dead” creator and Skybound founder Robert Kirkman announced Saturday. “We’ve successfully negotiated with Telltale Games for our company Skybound to come in and see Season 4 of the Telltale game to completion,” Kirkman told an audience at New York Comic-Con Saturday night.
I guess once all the episodes are out I’ll buy this so I can finish off the story. Still haven’t finished off the last one so no rush.
Too bad they didn't buy the Wolf Among Us IP as well
With Kirkman stepping up to the plate to salvage his IP maybe the other original creators will follow suit. Of course, TWD is premiering its newest season tonight so there's a specific backdrop to this IP that sorta demands maintenance in a way the Fables IP doesn't.
Good deal, I hope people get paid and continue on with other projects.