Skull & Bones


[H]F Junkie
Aug 5, 2013
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sounds good but that gameplay trailer was surprisingly's pretty much Black Flag 2.0, they even re-used some of those shanty songs and crew banter
sounds good but that gameplay trailer was surprisingly's pretty much Black Flag 2.0, they even re-used some of those shanty songs and crew banter

Black Flag 2.0 is fine by me. Another year worth of work on that could go a long ways.
Could be really cool, although I hope it isn't just a battleship sim. I want to take part in boarding the other ships and fighting it out rather than just watching everything play out like strategy RPG. I liked the exploration aspect of Black Flag just as much as the ship battles. I'd like more of that. Essentially I think I just hope this is Black Flag sans the Assassin's Creed name and climbing elements.
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Yep, it's all boat gameplay too. Looks pretty weak.

I was surprised at this. After Black Flag everyone seemed to ask to play as a Pirate so Ubisoft's answer was you can play as a boat.

I guess I need to try Black Flag once it drops more. I always skip the Assassin's Creed since I hate stealth missions and unskippable cutscenes.
Black Flag 2.0 is fine by me. Another year worth of work on that could go a long ways.

Particularly if it is "Black Flag minus all the boring Assassin's Creed stuff". Seriously, I loved playing boats in that game but got real annoyed with all the annoying "tail this guy for an hour and if you get seen you fail" AC quests. I got tired enough of the AC stuff that I got a trainer to make all that part easy. Then, what finally did it and got me to quite the game was when I had to do a sneaky trailing mission in my boat. The boat that I'd spent hours upgrading, that boat that could take on legendary ships and win. But no, I had to be sneaky because some tower might shoot at me. I got frustrated and left.

So if they make a game that is lots of boats with no AC I'll be a happy camper. We'll see.
Seems like more of a mini game to me. Unless there's lots of other stuff you can do, this would get boring really fast. Tack on a $59.99 price tag, eh I don't think so.

Oh yeah, and it's fuckin Ubisoft just saying.
Oh yeah, and it's fuckin Ubisoft just saying.

GR:Wildlands, AC Origins, Far Cry 5 .. lately they've been putting out some great games so the "bu bu Ubishit" droning is beginning to fall a little flat.
GR:Wildlands, AC Origins, Far Cry 5 .. lately they've been putting out some great games so the "bu bu Ubishit" droning is beginning to fall a little flat.

Well yes and no. Far Cry 5 is a good Ubisoft game, but it is a Ubisoft game. What I mean by that is all their games are the exact same shit. The setting and characters change, but the core of the game is the same thing time and time again. Jim Sterling has a great piece on it. While all art is derivative and artists in particular tend to stick with themes, Ubisoft goes further than that. They really are homogonizing the experience in their games to an extreme extent. Now that's fine, I guess, if all you want to do is play the same game time and time again with a different skin on it, but it is something that people are going to rightly shit on.
GR:Wildlands, AC Origins, Far Cry 5 .. lately they've been putting out some great games so the "bu bu Ubishit" droning is beginning to fall a little flat.


I guess none of those games did it for me, personally.

That being said, as far as this game is concerned, I don't know anything more than the naval combat video posted above - maybe the game has more depth to it. But if that's more or less all you do, you can't tell me that's worth $59.99.
I loved Black Flag - can't wait to play this! Hopefully the extra dev time ensures they can give it some personality of its own, and it doesn't end up just being a ship sim.
Kinda reminds me of World of Tanks with sails. Don't know if that's a good thing or a bad.
looks like a multiplayer version of AC: Black the very least it should be better then Sea of Thieves
At this point you have to think that what we'll eventually get (assuming we do eventually get to play this game) will be very different from what was shown earlier.
They should take the team that's making Assassin's Creed games way too long and put 1/2 of that stuff in S&B. It's been 5 years. Either shit or get off the pot.
So, there's an NDA I don't want to mess with, but yeah...there are things happening.
Given their current financial situation I wouldn't be surprised if they want this to get back into the gaming news to brew up interest for ubisoft being sold or selling studios.

This thread is five years old and the game has certainly been in development for longer than that. Hopefully something good comes of it.
I still don't understand why it took so long to basically take what was already in there with AC Black Flag and just give us the naval component of that but a full game. IMO, this game won't do well, they sort of missed the hype train on this stuff.
No clue how far along the test version was, but it was a complete mess from a technical standpoint.
I completely forgot about this game. Sounds like they have one guy in the basement working on it. Seems strange that they let this slide.