Situation CRITICAL!!! Windows XP Pro 32 Bit or Windows XP Pro 64 bit


Limp Gawd
Aug 3, 2004

We have a desktop and a laptop. Both running with AMD 64 bit Dual Core CPU's. Can anyone tell me which operating sytem is best. I can get a legal Windows XP Pro 64 Bit for free from my job. I currently have the Windows XP Pro 32 bit installed. Will I see a perfomance boost by using the Winodws XP Pro 64 bit....( I already have all necessary 64bit drivers for my hardware) :confused: :confused:
So I just wasted money getting 64bit dual core cpu's man i keep getting burned.
How is this SITUATION CRITICAL when it's been asked a thousand times before, and the answers have always been the same?

You didn't waste any money at all. Those processors will work perfectly fine with XP32. I'm not so sure why this is difficult for so many to grasp, but just because you have a proc that's "capable" of running a 64 bit OS, doesn't mean it NEEDS to be running a 64 bit OS.
djnes said:
How is this SITUATION CRITICAL when it's been asked a thousand times before, and the answers have always been the same?

You didn't waste any money at all. Those processors will work perfectly fine with XP32. I'm not so sure why this is difficult for so many to grasp, but just because you have a proc that's "capable" or running a 64 bit OS, doesn't mean it NEEDS to be running a 64 bit OS.

Amen brother.
if you have all the 64 bit drivers for your hardware then go for it! I've been using it for a few months now and it feels a bit snappier than 32bit XP. It's not a night and day performance boost, but it is deff slightly noticable.
I tell ya, people choose the most ridiculous topics.

Anyway, if you just bought a dual core machine - regardless of 32 bit (Core Duo) or 64 bit (Turion64 or Core 2 Duo) support - if you think that's a bad thing just because of some 64 bit OS, you've got more problems than anyone at this forum is ever going to be able to help you with.

32 bit = the standard, and will still be standard for another 2-3 years. Everything works with it, everything is automagically written for it, and will be for that 2-3 years.

64 bit = the future standard, and will be the future standard in 2-3 years. Everything doesn't work with it presently, but in time it will, and everything will move to straight 64 bit code in that same 2-3 years.

64 bit doesn't automagically double the performance of the same software in 32 bit form, but it does provide a lot of benefits.

So be happy you just got yourself a dual core 64 bit capable machine and get over it. Do some reading, do some searching, hit Google and learn something. But please, stop creating threads like this one, especially saying "CRITICAL!!!" in the topic because this is like, the least damned important thing I've seen today.
Well to the last person who replied. As if you didn't know the topic is what got your attention tor reply. That is all the topic was for to get attention and an answer. As far as your comments. The last negative statements you made were not called for. If you feel angry about what I started a topic about move on and don't reply. Freedom of Speech. I believe that is what we have here in the Good ole USA. I belive that is what my past 15 years of Army life has been about. Relax.... its just a topic on a computer forum.... don't get your blood pressure up... next time just keep on reading or just go on about your busineess. Your vulgar comment are not welcome..... :D
ALYNCH75 said:
Well to the last person who replied. As if you didn't know the topic is what got your attention tor reply. That is all the topic was for to get attention and an answer. As far as your comments. The last negative statements you made were not called for. If you feel angry about what I started a topic about move on and don't reply. Freedom of Speech. I believe that is what we have here in the Good ole USA. I belive that is what my past 15 years of Army life has been about. Relax.... its just a topic on a computer forum.... don't get your blood pressure up... next time just keep on reading or just go on about your busineess. Your vulgar comment are not welcome..... :D
Actually you have zero rights on this board without being nominated for it, but that's neither here nor there.

Bad title for a questionable thread. The A64's are fast as hell in 32-bit and you won't have any issue with it. Since it was previously mentioned, 64-bit will mean nothing to you if you surf and play around in Word all day.
ALYNCH75 said:
Freedom of Speech. I believe that is what we have here in the Good ole USA. I belive that is what my past 15 years of Army life has been about. Relax.... its just a topic on a computer forum.... don't get your blood pressure up... next time just keep on reading or just go on about your busineess. Your vulgar comment are not welcome..... :D

I guess the yelling in the title comes from the 15 years of Army life. Anyways, first off, don't advocat freedom of speech and then tell someone else not to post "vulgar comments". Comes over a little hypocritical. That being said, the title of the post was really moronic and the questions you asked are at least 3-4 times already on the very first page of this forum, complete with answers.
Sent me that post in a PM and all I said back was "Now if I had some clue about what the fuck you're babbling on about it would help."

Geez... :)
very funny now lets just squash this mess can someone kill or delete this thread
Oh, I did not know that. I saw the option in my threadws and assumed everyone could do that.