Simple multiplayer games reccomendations


Nov 19, 2003
Can anyone reccomend some good simple multiplayer games? My friend and I have laptops which isn't exactly up to snuff for Quake 4, but we'd like to play some multiplayer games. So far we've been playing Ages of Empires 2. Thanks.

Edit: I should add, we're not really fans of Starcraft...sorry!
Are you only looking for multiplayer RTS games or are you looking at anything playable online? There's just so many...
The original Counter-Strike comes to mind. Maybe Warcraft 2 or 3. Guild Wars is a good online RPG that's very scaleable. (free, too) FarCry has a very simple MP that's pretty mindless but fun.
I still enjoy a game of Starcraft or Diablo II with my wife every once in awhile, but we both have pretty nice PCs so usually we play CS:S, UT2K4, or something else graphically intensive.
Yeh, I love War3, but even that's pretty intense for my laptop. It's an ultra portable with some crappy intel gfx card.
Stu55 said:
Flatout maybe, Warcraft 3 is definately fun.

Flatout isn't online but Flatout 2 is. The original Flatout had LAN MP only. Flatout 2 would run on a lower-end system. OP - Flatout 2 is a racing game that's a lot of fun and easy to learn. Destruction derby with a bunch of friends online is a blast.
How about Civ3? The last boxed set has all the add-ons. I've always wanted to play mp civ, just haven't gotten around to it.
Worms: Armageddon is always great, (and cheap)

GTA2 multiplayer was pretty fun for me.. (lan only),

If War3 is too much, maybe consider the old Red Alert 2? They recently had a combo pack that came out with some of the classics and new ones together.
Age of Empires 2, Half Life deathmatch, UT99, Warhammer 40k: Dawn of war.
Wolfenstein Enemy Territory - Its not demanding at all, its free!

Americas Army - You would need a somewhat new laptop to run, but its free as well!

Live for Speed - Fun racing game, can be played on most machines. Free online demo.

Unreal Tournament - Awesome multiplayer game between friends, should be able to find it cheap in stores nowadays.

Just a few to try.
an intel graphics card basically can't run anything 3d that is newer then 2 years old at playable all these recommendations are going to run really shoddy.

You need to try out Heroes of Might and Magic 2 or even the 3rd one. It's the best non high graphical multiplayer/hotseat game I can think of for older machines. I also liked the worms armageddon recommendation - that's a really fun game. Or try an older car racing game that's MUCH better than the flatout series, Carmageddon TDR2K.
cant get much more simple than this.

Great fun. Especially if you cheat with a friend. Both enter a room and call them on the phone. Tell them the answer and draw something completely wrong. When they get the right answer and everyones "WTF? How'd you get that", just say something like, "popular saying round here."

Hours of fun annoying people all around the world. :p

Just kidding, play nice.
Pick up a copy of Quake 3 (usually 5 or 9 dollars), then install the 1.32 point release patch, then install Rocket Arena 3 version 1.76. Best online multiplayer game evarrrrrrrr. Fast paced, trick jumping, etc. It may not be as great "looking" as newer games, but I find it more fun than any game out today. (for the type genre it is)
Civilization 3 multiplayer was just awful from my experience, even played over lan it was just stupid. Don't get me wrong I love Civ 3 single player. Maybe CS 1.6?
Here's another vote for Quake 3 Arena. It'll run on fairly low-end hardware fairly well.

Also, System Shock 2. Patch it to 2.3, and play it co-op. Quite fun. It takes away slightly from the isolated immersion you get playing single player, but it's tons of fun in a slightly different way when you play co-op. (I'd recommend playing it by yourselves first to get the full atmospheric effects, then play co-op afterwards.)
Try sacrifice. I just installed that on my new system and my wife are going to try some 2v2 computer on it tonight.