Silverstone SST-SX600-G 600w Gold SFX

Well i asked asus about the ripples so that clears that up.

The monitoring just checks the output voltage for excursions past atx spec. It does not and can not measure ac ripple.
:cool: That's more than they would tell me! Was it Asus USA or did you ask via the VIP support site?

Based on the transient load graphs on TPU and Chiphell (page 5 here), I have a suspicion that it's the 3.3V rail that goes out of spec when switching loads.
Tip of the hat to dnoiz, who posted to the main NCASE M1 thread:

Turns out bit-tech nailed an interview with Tony Ou, which was focused on SFF and SFX power supplies! During which, Tony Ou has this much to say about the SST-SX600-G:

...we have already finalized the design on an incredible 600W SFX PSU that we plan on releasing in the second half of this year with a power density of 759W per litre!

Admittedly, it isn't as if we didn't know this - nor is the comment at all specific. But something is better than nothing, right? At least we know that SilverStone is indeed still unsure or unready for a final release date.

The interview is an interesting read, though.
Damn it! That means I'm looking at a realistic date of October/November before I can finally build my M1 rig...
Damn it! That means I'm looking at a realistic date of October/November before I can finally build my M1 rig...
600W SFX PSU that we plan on releasing in the second half of this year

But the 2nd half of this year is only 1 week away!

But yeah, realistically.. probably end of summer or sometime in the fall (I'm guessing Aug/Sept retail availability), if we're lucky.
Well, I don't mean to put a downer on everyone's excitement, but "releasing in the second half of this year" can also mean first batch ready from production on 31st December and then another 6-8 weeks before it's on store shelves.

Well, I don't mean to put a downer on everyone's excitement, but "releasing in the second half of this year" can also mean first batch ready from production on 31st December and then another 6-8 weeks before it's on store shelves.


^^ This is also a possibility. Thanks for raining on our parade :D
I'm getting more excited about the SFX-L version more that I think about it. The bigger fan will most likely make less noise even if the SFX 600 watt version is better then the current 450 watt version. I'm just hoping it fits the Ncase without any issues.
Qu1ckset over on OCN emailed Silverstone about the 600W and they replied that it should be available in August: source

Brillant find! :D It does seem a bit unusual that SS hasn't announced this publicly yet, but the confirmation is great news for those who are waiting and ready to build.
Brillant find! :D It does seem a bit unusual that SS hasn't announced this publicly yet, but the confirmation is great news for those who are waiting and ready to build.

Just keep in mind that this info is from the same guy that was telling folks late 2013 or early 2014 for the new SFX (LINK).

Not complaining, just saying (and I really do like his optimism and openness about their upcoming products). His outlook and candor seems to be the complete polar opposite of Tony's..
"It's even better than you expected, and you can buy it tomorrow!" / "There's no such thing, it doesn't exist - but if it did, you really shouldn't expect to see it for another 5 years." (not real quotes, just teasing the guys) :D
I'm getting more excited about the SFX-L version more that I think about it. The bigger fan will most likely make less noise even if the SFX 600 watt version is better then the current 450 watt version.

me too! noise is my main problem with the SFX units and the extra length is a minimal tradeoff. will be getting 2 of these :)
Just keep in mind that this info is from the same guy that was telling folks late 2013 or early 2014 for the new SFX (LINK).

Ah, well considering how cagey Tony has been about the exact date, August is probably too optimistic then.
Hmm.. it appears that in my country Scythe will be selling 500W 80+Gold SFX-L units starting July 9th but no definite date for the Silverstone's SFX-L units (though probably both are the same High Power units)

Hmm.. it appears that in my country Scythe will be selling 500W 80+Gold SFX-L units starting July 9th but no definite date for the Silverstone's SFX-L units (though probably both are the same High Power units)


Nice, which country/market do you live in?
I believe the writing on the box is Japanese and the link is also from Japan.
I'm curious if Scythe would be to market sooner than Silverstone. And not less important: what kind of cables are included (ribbon ?).
I believe the writing on the box is Japanese and the link is also from Japan.
I'm curious if Scythe would be to market sooner than Silverstone. And not less important: what kind of cables are included (ribbon ?).

It is Japan, here's the press release:

You can see more pics there, unfortunately the cables are of the ugly cheap sleeving variety. For some reason it looks like they also split the 12V into two rails of 20A each :confused:

I think I'd wait for the Silverstone unit over this.
It could still take months for them to reach the shops, so don't be too excited just yet :)
It could still take months for them to reach the shops, so don't be too excited just yet :)

I want to believe :D

Two weeks ago I somehow blew my st45sf-g and had to put everything in an old ATX case/PSU, I badly need this guy :D
It could still take months for them to reach the shops, so don't be too excited just yet :)

well, according to Alternate "Available from the 11. July 2014"

They already change that from July 8th to July 11th : (
Alternate in the Netherlands has bumped the price up to 150 euro :( I'm going to order from MaxICT, is 128 there plus 6 postage
Wow I didn't know the 600W SFX was going to have semi-passive. With noise being a huge negative I imagine this would be quite popular. Time to save up..
$175-200 is pretty hefty for a PSU, hope the USD price is < $150.

that includes 19-20% VAT.
Without tax it is about $140 ;)

The 450W version is currently $90, the pp05-e cable set is $30.
Wait a few weeks/months and the 600W version will probably be $120 or so.
$175-200 is pretty hefty for a PSU, hope the USD price is < $150.

Usually, but not always, US price is the same as Euro with VAT, but without conversion. The ST45SF-G is ~95€ with VAT at the link above and around $95 USD in the states. So with that logic, the SX600-G should be around $130 in the US.

Anything under $150 USD seems pretty good imo.

And to add.. yay, it's happening! :D
I'm excited for the reviews for this PSU. I really hope it's a lot quieter than the current ST45SF-G. I wouldn't mind paying a little extra for that!
It is Japan, here's the press release:

You can see more pics there, unfortunately the cables are of the ugly cheap sleeving variety. For some reason it looks like they also split the 12V into two rails of 20A each :confused:

I think I'd wait for the Silverstone unit over this.

What's the implication of two 20A rails instead of one? Is it inferior to a single rail and what if it's the same thing that SilverStone is going to sell?
What's the implication of two 20A rails instead of one? Is it inferior to a single rail and what if it's the same thing that SilverStone is going to sell?

I'm no PSU expert so someone correct if I'm wrong but I don't think 20A is enough to power something like a 780 Ti or 290X.
What's the implication of two 20A rails instead of one? Is it inferior to a single rail and what if it's the same thing that SilverStone is going to sell?

Basically, a power supply with multiple rails still has only one 12V DC source (your power outlet) - it just divides this power across multiple rails (and therefore multiple outputs, such as ATX, CPU, PCI, etc). So whereas a 400W power supply with one rail will supply all 400W across all the plugs and cables, a two-rail 400W supply will provide 200W across groupings of these outputs (which would be presumably divided roughly evenly). I can't say for certain why power supplies include multiple rails, other than the obvious reason that it would probably be better for the components to divide particularly high wattages across multiple rails.

The consequences of this are twofold. First, a person using a multiple-rail power supply must be mindful of how they are drawing power from the PSU, since they could very well pull 350W from a 400W power supply (within the spec), but draw all of it from one 200W rail (a bad idea). Again, manufacturers tend to divide outputs in a way so as to mitigate this, but it is still possible if a builder disregards the way the power supply divides power.

The second consequence is mostly a myth, and has to do with power trapping. Essentially, the argument is that if you (for example) are already drawing 150W from both rails in a 400W power supply, you can't add a 75W component since it would overburden either rail - even though the total wattage demanded would be under the 400W total specified. Thing is, power supplies with multiple rails can usually have one or rail supply more power at any one time than is rated, so in practice you don't often see this barrier come up.

I'm not super-knowledgable about power supplies, but I'm of the mind that the number of rails matters far less than the quality of the power supply itself. Single rail power supplies are probably more convenient, since you don't have to think about how you are connecting components, but I've used two rail power supplies in the past and have had zero issues.

Those out there who know more than I do - please do correct me if I've misunderstood anything! ;)
Hopes dashed if that's true... :(

Volts * Amps = Watts. The SST-SX600-G is a single-rail power supply, so if it can supply enough watts, it must be able to supply enough amperage.

Note that, with a dual-rail power supply of equivalent wattage, you'd have to use PCI outputs across both rails, however.

Basically, this thing can power any single graphics card, though with the R9 295x2 you'd only have 100W left for everything else.

Also: I just heard from Silverstone USA that the unit " will be available in mid-August". So there's that for those who are chomping at the bit to get one of these.
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I'm no PSU expert so someone correct if I'm wrong but I don't think 20A is enough to power something like a 780 Ti or 290X.

I don't see why it can't do that - it's not like all 250-300W needs to come from the same rail.
What's the implication of two 20A rails instead of one? Is it inferior to a single rail and what if it's the same thing that SilverStone is going to sell?

Think I remember reading that all that SilverStone does is get Enhance to put a big glob of solder between the two rails.

Internally these PSUs aren't true multi rails anyway. There's an article written by Kyle here on H that explains it, but I can't find the link now