Shrubbery and Water Flickering in BF3


Mar 8, 2007
Has anyone found a fix for the glitch where water in the distance and certain shrubs sort of flicker or shimmer? Anyone out there experiencing this? Seems to happen almost every game. System in sig.
I occasionally get this if I alt+tab out of the game and then back in. Usually goes away with a map change. I am using the 290.53 drivers with 460 SLI
I kept having this issue before. I posted about it a few times and even put up a video Someone posted this as a response
I get the exact same issue with 580's in SLI, tried running on all 3 beta drivers, dropping resolution, graphics quality, turning on V-synch updating MB and GPU bios.. and still NADA!!. Only work around I have found is to click the BF3 icon on the start bar when game manager states loading level.. (dont ask me why it works.. it jus does..)
I've been doing that every time now and and have yet to see anymore flickering. I just make sure to click BF3 open before it completely loads itself and opens automatically.