Should it take nearly an hour to make an image of a CD?


Limp Gawd
Jan 4, 2002
Right now I'm making an image of "The Sims" using UltraISO 6.56 SR-1.

So far elapsed time is 23mins and remaining is 20 mins.

Is this normal? The drive I'm using is a Plextor 24/10/40A.

I've been having some trouble with IDE devices lately...dunno if this is normal or not.

Information is appreciated, thank you!
Are you using CloneCD or Alchol 120? One reason it can take a long time is that the program is defeating Safedisc 2 and crap like that. There are a lot of bad sectors (intentional) and to read it properly and recreate all those spots it has to go very slowly.
Just as a warning, your toeing the line of what's legal to talk about here and what's not.
You don't want to carry cds -> use CloneCD. Why do you think it's legal to sell? Backing up ISO's on your HD of software you own is not only legal, but has been around since 1996 (ISOs were a real pain then...). As long as he owns it, he can talk about it.
Can someone link me to this "CloneCD" program?

Google is pulling up a "Slysoft" CloneCD and a CloneCD. Which one are you guys referring to?
Originally posted by RandysWay
If he's making a backup for himself its perfectly legal.

the "line" is talking about specifics to defeating copy protection schemes that are protected by the DMCA

and djnes is right,
Retro Rex walked right up to the line but didnt cross :D

there are plenty of other places you can get that info or discuss it, which lay outside the DMCA sphere of authority :p
(which isnt these servers being in Texas and all)