Should it stay or should it go? FW.....9..0..0


Feb 7, 2012
First off, hopefully this is in the right section since I'm guessing it may lead to a FS type topic based on the raves about it. On that note, please do not post about FS type stuff here.

The subject pretty much says it all. I have a working one I'm not sure what to do with. Don't worry, it isn't going to the dump :D or is it.... muahahaha:troll:

-Slight scratching in anti-glare
-Plastic base cover cracked
-Minimal wear to bezel/case
-Probably needs calibration (not sure this is a con or more of a general recommendation based on fw900 thread)

-Minimal wear to bezel/case
-Performs as expected to the best of my knowledge.

The reason for the dilemma is for obvious reasons, it's huge (covers almost my whole desk), it's heavy (not for my chinsy particle board desk (currently sits over main support)), and heats the room (not bad depending on location/time of year).

When departing with such a monster, how are you guys doing it? Local only, sucking down on the high shipping fees??

Anyways. It's outlived it's welcome with the wife and needs to go. She would have dumped it if she could lift it herself. She wanted me to put in the basement but I am not carrying it down there unless I have something to use it with like mame/emulator pc since I know games like duck hunt require a tube tv. In all honesty though I haven't even starting looking into the requirements for such a machine and would fear it would just live it's last days in solitude.

Just looking for some input on what you would do.
I'll redirect to the second half of the first sentence (it's not free). If needed. I will post this to FS section.

And I'm in the greatest coun....errr wait let me fix that.. Oh yeah, midwest US

Some side boob :D
20160915_185229 by Outlaw, on Flickr
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follow your wife request.
there are benefits in following the female desire.
no monitor is worth an angry wife.
duck hunting?? when we are playing VR games?
Lol. I know what you mean.

I do like to go back and play games like that from time to time. I try to get the kids into it too. And to the VR. It is not in my near future with the current costs. Although this monitor may be able to pay for some of that.. hmm You may be onto something here and I like it!
The majority has spoken. I shall "dispose" of it.

Thank you all for the quick responses.
Put it in several plastic trash bags and seal it up and put it up in your attic and leave it for 20 years then pull it down and sell it.

Someone will pay good money for it as a nostalgic piece.
Put it up on ebay and your local craigslist. Post the links on the FW900 thread. If nobody bites within a few weeks, consider taking it apart and keeping some of the more valuable components, like the flyback transformer. Those are hard to come by.
Thanks. Honestly I wasn't sure if disassemble was real suggestion.. Typically its "NO DISASSEMBLE!!"
Put it in several plastic trash bags and seal it up and put it up in your attic and leave it for 20 years then pull it down and sell it.

Someone will pay good money for it as a nostalgic piece.

For this to work, one need to store the last video card capable of driving this monitor with VGA, sinbce DP adapters can not drive it. Also, when PCI-E bit the bullets, it will be necessary to have a motherboard with PCIE for said VGA.
For this to work, one need to store the last video card capable of driving this monitor with VGA, sinbce DP adapters can not drive it. Also, when PCI-E bit the bullets, it will be necessary to have a motherboard with PCIE for said VGA.
Pretty sure the future customer will have said card or he wouldn't want it to begin with.