Should I get a Kingpin 780 or Titan Black


Jul 24, 2014
I currently have a junk 290X. I'm not going to stick with ATI (290Xs voltage wall at 1200MHz), so don't you dare tell me to CrossFire. Cost is a non-issue. The cards will be watercooled fullcover, overclocked heavily, and used for 2560x1600 120Hz gaming. The Titan has 6GB, but the Kingpin will overclock better. Or should I wait for the Kingpin 880 and Titan 2?
wait for 880.. you actually have cards to wait that time...
No experience with the Kingpin, but my Titan Black rules. I guess it's mostly about your resolution or whether or not you want to max out Watchdogs, you'll need more than 3gb for that.
If cost is a non-issue then go Titan 2x card sli minimum for the 6GB at higher or just wait. At hi-res the 3GB just won't cut it soon, and a single card struggles.
A 780 non-Ti is faster than a 1200 Mhz 290X? (Ah, the Kingpin 780 is Ti ...)
Both of these will still drop below 120 at 2560x1600 unless you SLi.
As others have said keep using the 290x until the next cycle.

Wtf are you playing that is too much for it?
Also the 780Ti and Titan Black will both throttle alot during normal gameplay unless you flash it to a 3rd party BIOS and void your warranty...the 290x is probably better.
You should get the "780ti Black x2 Platinum Titan Kingpin Quad bf3" edition.
I currently have a junk 290X. I'm not going to stick with ATI (290Xs voltage wall at 1200MHz), so don't you dare tell me to CrossFire. Cost is a non-issue. The cards will be watercooled fullcover, overclocked heavily, and used for 2560x1600 120Hz gaming. The Titan has 6GB, but the Kingpin will overclock better. Or should I wait for the Kingpin 880 and Titan 2?

lol junk 290x... go ahead and buy one of those other cards pay through the nose and take a performance hit.
Will the GTX 880 be more capable than the Titan Black?

Ugh waiting sucks.
Also the 780Ti and Titan Black will both throttle alot during normal gameplay unless you flash it to a 3rd party BIOS and void your warranty...the 290x is probably better.

With Evga you could flash to skynet and have them work with you from a warranty perspective from what I have read elsewhere.
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Well pascal is not supposed to ship until 2016, which means buying a titan black or titan z right now gives you a year and half at least which is a long time in graphic cards. I'd check to see if the z has the sli issues that most dual cards have. That said my plain titan doesn't have problems with anything I throw at it and I use it for modeling 3D assets and I have a scene file with over a billion polygons that mostly works without issues. I don't plan to export the high detail version to UE4 but in theory it should work they way it is built. Which means games designed for cards with less memory and shader cores should work fine on any of the titans.

Nvidia will ship the Pascal processor in 2016...
I agree.. Cost not an issue, 4 Titan blacks. Btw, what monitor do you have that does 2560x1600 at 120hz?
Yeah, I wasn't aware a 1600p monitor capable of overclocking to 120hz existed..
There are a couple 4k monitors that do 120Hz but they are really expensive and mostly are designed for doing stereo conversion on.
lol junk 290x... go ahead and buy one of those other cards pay through the nose and take a performance hit.
He wouldn't really get a performance hit, it's not like the 290X is miles ahead of the competition. It would be a side grade if he felt the need to do so.

Also the 780Ti and Titan Black will both throttle alot during normal gameplay unless you flash it to a 3rd party BIOS and void your warranty...the 290x is probably better.
Maybe the Titan Black, but not the 780ti. Also, if the card has 2 bios switches on it like some 780ti's do you don't void the warranty by using an aftermarket bios.

With Evga you could flash to skynet and have them work with you from a warranty perspective from what I have read elsewhere.
Sometimes I've heard they don't even care at EVGA and will still RMA it. It depends who you hear it from, but I'm pretty sure I've sent in a Titan or 2 with the wrong bios and they were RMA'd fine.