SFF build suggestions?


Apr 8, 2014

The above parts plus I would get a DAC/pre-amp/amp later since I don't think that onboard sound would be good enough.

The other mobo I was considering is the Gigabyte H97N with wifi option and the Gigabyte B85 mobo. GIGABYTE GA-B85N (What's the difference with the Phoenix wifi version? One already had the wifi card with the mobo?).

As for the case, there is no option yet to choose the SG13 but I would substitute that when it is released. I'm considering other cases, however, but leaning towards that particular one.

I also will wait for the new Silverstone power supplies to be released (want modular).

Any thoughts? I hope to eventually upgrade to i5-4590 or something like that later.

I'll use Linux so I don't need to budget an OS. Probably will have Windows 7 on another SSD eventually, too. Just wondering about the choices of the hardware components.
1. What will you be doing with this PC? Gaming, Photoshop (or other intensive programs),

2. Will you be overclocking? (If so, are you looking to watercool?)
Maybe. Undecided. Like low-profile coolers, though, not large towers.

3. What's your budget? Are tax and shipping included in this budget? Is your budget flexible? Is cost a driving factor in component selection?
Yes. $500-$700. I will buy periodically.

4. Where do you live? Do you have any big B&M (brick and mortar) computer chains nearby (e.g. Microcenter, Fry's, etc)?
Futureshop, Best Buy (I plan to buy online from computer vendors instead)

5. What exact parts do you need for that budget? CPU, RAM, case, etc. .
Case, mobo, cpu, RAM, cooler, SSD

6. If reusing any parts, what parts will you be reusing? Please be especially specific about the power supply. For reused parts, list brands, model #s, and, if applicable, firmware revisions.
Corsair HX520W modular PSU (open to new SSF psu if required), EVGA gtx 750

7. What specific features do you need in a motherboard? RAID? Thunderbolt? Crossfire or SLI support? How many USB 3.0 and SATA 6Gb/s? etc. Which is more important, size of the system or having the particular feature? Make sure you indicate *required* vs. *wanted* for each feature you list.
2 USB 3.0 (would like 3-4), 3 SATA 6Gb/s, prefer option for wireless, prefer Intel NIC, low weight, somewhat portable

8. What resolution output do you need? 4k playback, 1080p playback, etc for HTPC or give a vertical/horizontal resolution for gaming SFF rigs. Do you need multiple monitor output?
1080p playback? dual monitor output, perhaps

9. Does this system need to fit into a particular space and do you need an optical drive? Think entertainment center shelves, closet space, rackmount, etc. Many modern SFF cases have either removed the optical drive or have been constructed so that removing the ODD increases the configuration possibilities immensely.
Don't need an optical drive; I can use usb drives for installing etc.

10. How comfortable are you with custom case design/modification and electrical wiring? What tools do you have (Screwdrivers/Leatherman, Drill, Dremel, Metal snips, Soldering Iron, Bending Brake, CNC/Welding machines/Plasma cutter, etc...)?

11. How important is the noise/silence of this sytem? HTPCs typically want to be quiet while all-out SFF gaming rigs don't care
Fairly quiet

12. How mobile does this system need to be? Need a carrying handle or carrying straps? Is weight important (carry-on bag, etc)? Water cooling quick disconnects, etc?
Low weight...

13. Do you already have a legit and reusable/transferable OS key/license? If yes, what OS? Is it 32bit or 64bit? Remember that OEM copies of Win7 have issues with new motherboards
I'll use Linux

14. When do you plan on building/buying the PC? Immediately, in a couple weeks, 3-5 years?
Undecided, no sooner than 2 mths
Spend more for an i3 for the hyperthreading.
Bump up to a 512GB mx100 and bump down to the
bronze rated SFX
Shuttle makes very portable SFF systems (includes case, mobo, fans, etc.):

You'll still need to buy your own CPU and memory. There's a thread on a particular system that I bought. It includes 2 USB 3.0 ports on the front.

If you get the Shuttle XPC SZ68R5, I think that video card will fit perfectly. My total when purchased (back in 2012) was about $600, but you may be able to find that case and cheaper CPU on eBay for a lot less than i paid.

For SDD, I went with Samsung 840 EVO. Depending on size requirements, your budget might be tight or slightly over.
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