Serious Hardware Prob with ma Radeon 9000Pro


Jul 4, 2005
OK i accidentally got off two capacitors from my Radeon 9000pro and the card stopped working..............i got the two capacitors soldered but the card still remained dead. Heres a pic of the soldered capacitors..................


Later on during trying to fix the card i accidentally broke another capacitor...........which is highlighted in this pic
So is there any way to fix this card.............Lolz i know you would be laughing but i just wanted to know maybe it is repairable :D
hahahaha accident prone?

well you could tell this story to gigabyte and maybe they would send you a replacement other then that i dont see the card working if you have all ready tryed fixing it.

in the first picture it looks like all the resisters are touching each other that could be your problem.
You're screwed.

Not sure how you could do that much damage to the card.
amazing.. that you can break all those capacitors off.. and your soldering looks very...burned on... go get a new card.. i honestly dont think Gigabyte will honor that RMA

oh and good thing you did it to a crappy video card ;)