Sending audio simultaneously to wireless headphones and speakers

The Lurker

Fully [H]
Jul 1, 2001
I want to pickup a set of wireless headphones, either RF or Bluetooth, that I can use to watch TV at night without waking anyone. I have a 2.1 setup connected to a receiver and the receiver is connected to the computer over HDMI. In the evening, I want to be able to either shut off the receiver (not possible because then the video disappears) or mute it and listen to the headphones. Then during the day, I want to turn off the headphones and listen through the receiver.

I am not sure how to get it working. This is what I am thinking:

1. If I get bluetooth headphones that I pair with the computer then I think the issue will be changing the audio device every time we watch TV. Unless I can somehow send audio through both HDMI and the Bluetooth adapter.

2. If I get bluetooth or RF headphones that plug into the phones port on the receiver then I think I will have to unplug them every time I want to listen to the speakers. Unless the headphones transmitter is smart enough to turn itself off in a manner where the receiver does not see it.

3. The other option I was thinking was using the onboard audio on the motherboard to feed the headphones, but I think that just adds extra complexity plus the issue raised in #1.

To be totally honest, i'd pickup a cheapo headphone amp and a pair of Grado's and just run a cable down the middle of the living room. But the WAF of this solution is pretty low.

Anyone using wireless headphones and if so, how?

1. How do you control the computer now? I think setting up a universal remote to run a macro/script to change the audio would be sufficient.

2. I think most receivers keep playing audio through the speakers when the headphones are plugged in, I'd check with your particular model. In that case you could leave them connected all the time and just turn off the speakers through the [receiver] menu (I'm assuming this is possible, it should be).

3. You can't output audio over HDMI and analog through Windows. You could probably output via analog and use a splitter to the headphones and receiver if you wanted.
1. Harmony 650. I'll have to research if its possible to change the audio source through a script.

2. Good point, I should have tested this before posting.

3. That sucks.

Thanks. :)
Look into JRiver (XBMC may be able to do the same?). With JRiver you can setup 'zones' with different audio/video settings for each zone. You can have zone 'a' setup to use a specific audio device and zone 'b' setup to use another automatically via rules, or you can set a hot key to swap zones manually.
most AVReceivers can play Multiple Zones simultaneously (or select individual Zone). Attach the wireless headphone bluetooth transmitter to Zone 2 of the AVR (speakers on Zone 1)
OR you can get an HDMI splitter and run it to your bluetooth transmitter input (may need a converter depending on input type supported)
Does you TV not have audio out? could hook up the head phones that way. Unless your receiver doesn't have an option to pass the signal to the TV also. I had an issue like this ended up running 2 receivers , had an older Yamaha that I used just for the head phones. Ran it off the analog out from my other Yamaha that has HDMI. I have a family member that is hard of hearing so I needed mine setup so whatever every one else was watching could be heard through the head phones so they could turn it up independently. Also if you plug head phones into the head phone jack on all receivers I know of it cuts the audio to the speakers.
The TV does have audio out but the receiver cuts off the audio to the TV.