Searching for an Apple Pro keyboard


May 17, 2001
Hey all.

Not sure if this is the right forum but here's to hoping...

I'm searching for a black Apple Pro keyboard with a Norwegian key layout.

I've searched, but unfortunately the website is hard to find anything (searching the site didn't help). I've also searched Google, but with such common keywords (Apple, Pro, Tastatur, Svart) it's quite hard.

Any good ideas where to look? :(
They don't make black Apple keyboards, your going to have and paint it your self.
If you can find one, you could just get a swedish or danish version. They're very similar, I think, except maybe for the åäö keys.
Black Morty Rackham said:
If you can find one, you could just get a swedish or danish version. They're very similar, I think, except maybe for the åäö keys.

I'll look into a Danish version too, but a Swedish version is right out since the lack of øæ keys will really throw me for a loop! :)
Well, the only difference I can think of is the label on the key. The "ö" and "ä" on a swedish keyboard do the exact same things as the "ø" and "æ" do on a norwegian keyboard. It's just a cosmetic thing, really.

I think... ;)
good luck finding any...I can assure you that Apple doesn't have them anymore as we have been selling the Apple Keyboard (non Pro) for over a year now and even before that when we changed over to the White Apple Pro keyboard the black version was not made any more...your best bet would be to either call Apple Care for that locality and see if they can order one...probably not but it is a could also e-bay for it
Black Morty Rackham said:
I'll tell you what, the next time I'm at Apple Center down in Göteborg, I'll ask if they have any of the kind you're looking for. ;)

In the meantime, here's a rather good keyboard. It uses the same key switches at the venerable Apple Extended... ;)

Looks nice, too bad it's en_US layout. (and white) :(