Scientist Make Talking Paper?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Get this, scientist are saying they have created talking paper. You heard me right, talking paper. I suppose this is pretty neat and all but just imagine what is next…talking toilet paper anyone?

Researchers from Mid Sweden University have constructed an interactive paper billboard that emits recorded sound in response to a user's touch. The prototype display uses conductive inks, which are sensitive to pressure, and printed speakers.
I can hear it now. The toliet paper of the future screams at you when you wipe your ass
This would have been really cool when I was young and doing drugs all the time. I swear pople would have flipped out seeing something like this on blotter.
If this ever makes it to product packaging I will never set foot inside a walmart again... Imagine hundreds of recorded advertisments being played continuously as you are trying to shop...
Talking toilet paper said:
I want to die

I can't really think of a good application for this, greeting cards maybe?
From the article they are using it for displays. You walk up and touch an area of the display and it plays a audio clip about it. It would get rid of any need for a larger speaker and playback device.
Talking paper... which assumes that you wont be reading it... as it's talking.

So really, it's just a radio...