Satya Nadella Is Keeping the Windows Phone Dream Alive

L O L. That's rich coming from you. Objective and win10 does not happen with you.

Let's see, did this dude actually read and figure out what I use or did he just jump to conclusions. I am going to choose jump for $200, Alex. :D
Tired of watching every Android offering out there just be an iPhone with a bastardized manufacturer version of Android with carrier bloat on it. I'm not a fan of the iPhone and doubt I ever will be, not because it's an iPhone, but because I simply just do not care for it. My wife has had the 5S, the 6 Plus, and now the 7 Plus. I've tried to use it and it just doesn't appeal to me. Android keeps trying to be more and more like it and frankly I am tired of it. I didn't get Android phones because they're not an iPhone. I got them because they had features the iPhone didn't have that I actually make use of. Now that is becoming less and less the case. For me, I welcome a third player into the arena, and I am at the point that I don't give a damn how shitty they are anymore, as long as they aren't just another iPhone clone. Because if they are? I may as well just get a damned iPhone, and this rooted S5 I have will be the last Android I own.
Tired of watching every Android offering out there just be an iPhone with a bastardized manufacturer version of Android with carrier bloat on it. I'm not a fan of the iPhone and doubt I ever will be, not because it's an iPhone, but because I simply just do not care for it. My wife has had the 5S, the 6 Plus, and now the 7 Plus. I've tried to use it and it just doesn't appeal to me. Android keeps trying to be more and more like it and frankly I am tired of it. I didn't get Android phones because they're not an iPhone. I got them because they had features the iPhone didn't have that I actually make use of. Now that is becoming less and less the case. For me, I welcome a third player into the arena, and I am at the point that I don't give a damn how shitty they are anymore, as long as they aren't just another iPhone clone. Because if they are? I may as well just get a damned iPhone, and this rooted S5 I have will be the last Android I own.

I ended up having to choose Android because I needed a unlocked phone that was not super expensive but still good. (Honor 6X) It also allowed me to set the programs as default that I choose to use on a daily basis. Now, I still prefer Windows 10 Mobile above Android but, the OS has essentially been killed by Microsoft and fewer things are available for it. My 950 is off for warranty repair and the Garmin Connect Mobile App crashes often on my 650 but, everything I used works on it. The Garmin is very important to me though so, Honor 6X is was.
Yep, I have no idea. I only had two windows phones over the last three years, technically 3 as I ended up giving one to my mum. The last one I upgraded to win10. Full of bugs and felt way too beta. I had to reinstall win10 on it about 4 times before it actually installed almost correctly without too many bugs. Yep, no idea whatsoever on how to change the tiles. Keep digging apologists and get a real phone. Best thing I did was to get a redmi 4 pro. The hardware shits all over anything ms has. Windows 10 mobile is a total pile of crap. Just like desktop. Android 6 is far superior.
Did I say you have no idea? Pretty sure I was asking about your experience.

Given you have gone through 2-3 windows phones, doesn't that make the following claim untrue: "all of those boxes of different sizes just random"? If your statement is true, it means that you set them up to be different sizes and random. It seems now you are just shifting the goalposts and are going to talk about issues you had upgrading with the OS or the hardware itself, but if you're going to just Gish Gallop I'm not that interested.