Samsung Used a DSLR Shot to Fake a "Portrait Mode"


Mar 3, 2018
Dunja Djudjic, a writer and photographer for DIY Photography, recently caught Samsung passing one of her DSLR photos off as a shot from a Galaxy smartphone. After creating an account on EyeEm, one of her shots got sold through Getty images, and out of curiosity, she did a reverse image search to see if it ended up anywhere on the web. Much to her surprise, Djudjic found a heavily (and poorly) edited version of herself on Samsung's Galaxy A8 page. Using a different background, the shot seemingly shows off the A8's "background blur" feature, even though it clearly wasn't taken with an A8. As of this post, Samsung has a "* image simulated for demo purpose" disclaimer at the bottom of the page, but the Internet Archive project managed to capture the page yesterday, when that disclaimer didn't exist.

It's undeniable that smartphone cameras are getting better (and there are more and more lenses with every new phone). But, we definitely shouldn't trust the ads showing off their capabilities, or at least take them with a grain of salt. Although, to be honest,I doubt anyone would believe an ad with a Photoshop job this terrible anyway.
C'mon this is common practice. Do you get offended when a promo image of a monitor is not showing a real image displayed by that monitor? This is the same thing.
C'mon this is common practice. Do you get offended when a promo image of a monitor is not showing a real image displayed by that monitor? This is the same thing.

Actually I really hate this practice much like how food looks on TV compared to in my plate.
False publicity, even with small warning at the bottom, shouldn't be the norm.
This just goes to show that no matter how smart your company is, your marketing department will lower your overall IQ by half.

P.S. There is nothing more hugged than a Doctorate of Communications in the Field of Public Relations.
I seemed to recall this happening before but I don't remember if it was samsung last time
IIRC, they did do this with one of their iPhones?

edit: NM, it was Huawei that did it.
I mean all over SF they have their advertising “shot with iPhone”. I’ve never checked into if it’s actually shot on iPhone. I just really like the graffiti that gets tagged on it.
Stuff like: you don’t need this shit.

Sometimes SF is onto something— even a broken clock is right twice a day.
L-O-L if apple did this it would be lynching worthy.
Apple doest the same shit. Forgot how to they use a black background on the new phones to hide the notch? Everyone does it. It is not right but you need to be smart enough to see through their bs and take all claims with grain of salt. What would be th point of reviews if manufacturers were always honest?
Searching earlier it looks like they actually are shot by iPhones. Not bad. Not bad Apple. I think it's more of Apple PR being highly picky and selective though. Your average user won't get shots like those.
Searching earlier it looks like they actually are shot by iPhones. Not bad. Not bad Apple. I think it's more of Apple PR being highly picky and selective though. Your average user won't get shots like those.
Shot and touched up aren’t the same thing ;)

Oh well shady business practice by a marketing department. The horror.
Apple doest the same shit. Forgot how to they use a black background on the new phones to hide the notch? Everyone does it. It is not right but you need to be smart enough to see through their bs and take all claims with grain of salt. What would be th point of reviews if manufacturers were always honest?
That’s a little different than taking someone else’s published work and pretending like you shit it with your product.

Black background isn’t passing off someone else’s DSLR shots.
all this fucking innovation, and they still dont have a slr sensor in a phone. so they have to resort to this shit
all this fucking innovation, and they still dont have a slr sensor in a phone. so they have to resort to this shit

I think it's more optics than sensor holding back phones. Not saying the sensors are great, but a ~ 1/8" lens really caps performance. Particularly in anything less than ideal light and no or very slow relative motion.
Lack of a real lens is the biggest issue but the size of the sensor is a big issue as well. With a small sensor you can either lower the resolution or have a high pixel density which reduces the light gathering capability of each pixel, the difference between full frame and cropped frame sensors on DSLRs is noticeable and the sensors on phones are tiny compared to either of those.
Lack of a real lens is the biggest issue but the size of the sensor is a big issue as well. With a small sensor you can either lower the resolution or have a high pixel density which reduces the light gathering capability of each pixel, the difference between full frame and cropped frame sensors on DSLRs is noticeable and the sensors on phones are tiny compared to either of those.
I will never stop saying this. All of this crap is a result of marketers. A fancy name for sales. When have you ever trusted a salesperson? If you have, then something is wrong with you. I absolutely despise working with marketing departments, because I have never met one that did not say "what can we get away with?".