Samsung Snatches “Best Display” from the iPhone X


Aug 20, 2006
Samsung has managed to best Apple in DisplayMate’s latest test, which pitched the two device’s OLED displays against one another. Dr. Raymond Soneira found that the Galaxy matched or bested the iPhone in most categories, which include color accuracy and lower screen reflection.

Will you notice these differences? It depends. Certainly, the gains year-on-year are smaller than they used to be when everyone was going from pixelated displays circa 2009 to the much higher DPIs available by 2011 or 2012. But if you’re still holding on to an older device from several years ago, you should definitely notice a major improvement.
Lol, what a pointless news piece. Theoretical physicists claims samsung bests apple in the display wars! News at 11.

What if Steven Hawking claims that apple has a better display? Who is more believable?
I just got my pixel 2 xl yesterday. wow!
But then again I am moving up from a Droid turbo 1.

So far impressed with this phone.
Not sure if a better screen is needed.
I just got my pixel 2 xl yesterday. wow!
But then again I am moving up from a Droid turbo 1.

So far impressed with this phone.
Not sure if a better screen is needed.
Picked one up a few days ago myself. The off-axis blue-shift is a bit annoying, and turning the brightness down far enough results in some nasty black crush. It's not enough to override my distaste for Samsung's mobile division, but I can't pretend it's perfect.

Pretty damned good phone, though.
Picked one up a few days ago myself. The off-axis blue-shift is a bit annoying, and turning the brightness down far enough results in some nasty black crush. It's not enough to override my distaste for Samsung's mobile division, but I can't pretend it's perfect.

Pretty damned good phone, though.

It is, blue shift I can manage but the brightness issue is bugging me.
Well I for one am impressed, they only hired Richard Huddy a few days ago and this already?!?

Interesting things always seem to follow that man...
The 1440 x 2560 pixel display on my old Note 4 is still all I need. Looks like I'll be using it until it dies.
The 1440 x 2560 pixel display on my old Note 4 is still all I need. Looks like I'll be using it until it dies.
Smart man. I'm done with 'upgrades' on the phone front. Now give me a new generation of GPU's that won't cost me an arm and a leg.....literally. Obviously, I won't be holding my breath.
Smart man. I'm done with 'upgrades' on the phone front. Now give me a new generation of GPU's that won't cost me an arm and a leg.....literally. Obviously, I won't be holding my breath.

That's the thing about the Note 4. It was one of the 1st Android phones where everything was finally good enough or better than I needed.

The camera was a big advancement over the S5 and still better than most the lower/mid end phones.
The 3GB of ram is still enough for most apps, the CPU/graphics is still good for any normal app/phone usage, and the screen resolution is still better than what I need.

All the newer phones are just minor improvements that don't justify spending that kind of money.

Only problem is that officially the Note 4 is stuck at version 6.0. I expect that to eventually be a problem.
I don't much care. I'm "rockin'" a Moto E4. It does all I want it to do. I'd have a flip phone now, but Verizon fucked me to the point that it was just easier to get a smart phone.

Yeah, I'm stuck at Android 7.11. Kind of a bummer, but the phone cost me $40.

I have the phone encased in a nice protector, haven't dropped it yet, gets great signal, best cell phone I've ever had.

I don't care about impressing others with an expensive phone, and I hate coffee.

Yet it's still rocking a ton of Samsung's ugly-as-sin first party apps. That stunning display makes their Jellybean-era UI even more obvious.
In other news, a 2018 samsung oled display is slightly better than the samsung 2017 version. Shocker...
These articles are weird to me. You see them a lot "XX phone has best camera/display/processor" but it is the newest phone released. Isn't that how it always is? What would be impressive is 2 year old phone still having the best whatever. I guess it is like the whole new and improved thing. is it new or is it improved?
I've always found Samsung devices to have over-saturated colors. I have looked at some other people's phones and the colors look vibrant, don't get me wrong, but they almost look borderline fake. OK, so Apple screens made by Samsung may not "pop" like Samsung devices do but I don't care. I care more about true-to-life colors than "ooh, it looks pretty".
All I care about is if it works.
3 years OS updates seems better than other brands.
Screen on pixel 2 is not a issue , looks fine( great) to me.
Wife wanted that GREAT camera on her phone , Moto turbo was not good even at the so called 20meg only in good lighting
and for 549$ price is better than other flagships right now. $300 off Verizon.
Yes, and no. Samsung manufactured the displays, but apparently Apple made design and calibration changes.

Then Samsung stole them im betting based on Apple specs required as a customer.