Samsung Likely To Unveil Foldable Phones In Q3


Aug 20, 2006
The long-rumored Galaxy X phone may finally make its debut this year. I really think this will be huge if they pull it off; how cool would a phone that can fold out into a tablet be? It is interesting how Samsung is beating LG to the punch, though, since the latter presumably started development on this idea earlier—they have a more advanced version of it.

Samsung Electronics is highly likely to unveil foldable smartphones in the third quarter of this year, according to sources familiar with the matter. “Samsung is expected to roll out more than 100,000 units of fold-out devices in the third quarter,” a source told The Korea Herald. The smartphone, whose panels face outward upon folding, may be used as a 7-inch tablet when unfolded, he said. Samsung, had initially completed the development of fold-in phones that tuck the screen inside when folded. It began the development of fold-out technologies around August, deeming that users may find it inconvenient to unfold the phones every time they want to use them. “Since the company already secured fold-in phone technology, it was not a big challenge to shift into the fold-out phones,” he said.
How many times can you fold the screen before it breaks? Or am I misunderstanding what they are saying?
I'd rather see a roll up touch screen that hides in a cylinder shaped phone. Minimal interface externally, just a speaker for the ringer, mute button, and a light to indicate a call when on silent mode, and the rest all comes alive when the phone display is rolled out sideways.
Lab proof of concept vs. what we get for high volume manufacturing can be very different.
I'd rather see a roll up touch screen that hides in a cylinder shaped phone. Minimal interface externally, just a speaker for the ringer, mute button, and a light to indicate a call when on silent mode, and the rest all comes alive when the phone display is rolled out sideways.
Hmm. I do miss the ability to be mad and slam a clamshell phone shut. A phone that acts like a roll up projector screen... yeah if I can just pull on that and have it roll up to end the call that'd work.
Yes, foldable screen, what about foldable battery, foldable CPU, foldable everything else to make foldable phone? Anyway the ss does only show bendable screen, not much really and far away from complete phone.
.. I'm kinda surprised it hasn't happened in some form. Even a more rigid unit with a screen that wraps completely around.
Wrap around your wrist for a watch like band. A phone that can be carried in a pocket or wrapped around a wrist.
Yes, foldable screen, what about foldable battery, foldable CPU, foldable everything else to make foldable phone? Anyway the ss does only show bendable screen, not much really and far away from complete phone.
That would be in the base of the unit, the bottom of the screen. They could then (if feasible because I dont fucking know) possibly wrap the screen around the base of the phone to make a cylinder as the previous poster mentioned.
Still not sure how much I like the idea of this tech anyway beyond a few niche applications, I will let time tell me if I was wrong or right.
Wrap around your wrist for a watch like band. A phone that can be carried in a pocket or wrapped around a wrist.

I thought Samsung already released a cumbersome Gear Dick Tracy-esque watch/phone that did that.

At any rate, I'm really not in the market for a foldable smartphone at this point though. And I certainly wouldn't want a first gen one.
I have a feeling that our first foldable phones will be similar to a cheap wallet. Its gonna get bent similar to the way your back pocket and your ass is. Does anyone else take out their wallet and notice its bent around the edges so next time you put it back you switch the way it was?