Samsung Has Announced Plans to Scrap Plasma TVs


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
Come November 30, Samsung will no longer manufacture its plasma TV line. Samsung is the latest in a long line of companies that have discontinued plasma TV production or plan to in the near future.

With the introduction of increasingly advanced organic LED TVs, which arguably have better black levels, brightness and color gamut than plasmas, there was little reason to continue manufacturing plasma screens.
Black levels + viewing angles = noooooooooo. hopefully a suitable replacement is on the horizon. OLED is still too expensive to be practical.
All TV Technology starts off too expensive for most of us,
but in time OLED price will come down...
There's no way LED can compare with plasma.... a $1000 plasma looks better than a $4000 LED

If you look at a $1000 LED and compare it to a $1000 plasma, it isn't even a contest.
Man I hate this. I have a Sammy plasma and it looks beautiful. I hope Panasonic keeps making them at least. I can live with a good LCD screen but plasmas just look so much better to my eyes at least.
Panasonic already sold the last of its stock. My VT60, which I got for $1,800, is now ~$4,500 for one of the last reseller inventory. If I didn't have a Panny I'd be getting an 8500 ASAP before the same thing happens to Samsung's stock. OLED is still a good 5 years away from mainstream with their manufacturing issues.
No what killed plasma is it's cutting in the profit margins of the LCD and led tv's. There is almost no profit on plasmas vs the new technologies of led and oled. They don't want to keep making something that not making them any money.
I bought my 65in Panasonic plasma last November, it was one of their last models made, and its awesome. I'd keep it over the latest LED television out this year.

If you want the best visual quality you can get, get a plasma while they are still around.
This sucks, I have two of their plasmas and greatly prefer them over any LCD I've viewed. My dad's retirement gift was a 59" 3D model which he absolutely loves too. I've been thinking of upgrading to a newer Samsung plasma in the living room, and may have to do it earlier than anticipated now.
What's killed plasma has to do with cost and profit. Most people buy cheap TV's because they watch utter crap and don't care about picture quality. LCD screens are cheap and easy to stamp out in mass production. They're cheaper to make, cheaper to sell, and have a much higher profit margin. Large plasma screens have always sold to a niche market. So far nothing matches plasma for image quality and pixel response. I certainly hope the OLED displays look better than the current line of stuff out there.
I'm trying to comprehend 'good riddance' in terms of the loss of plasma. Plasma is the best display out there bar none.. blows away lcd/led/oled/cfl/whathaveyou in just about every metric except weight. Hell, even front projection is crappy.

(except for maybe a 100% perfectly aligned dlp rptv.. that was eyeball bliss)
All TV Technology starts off too expensive for most of us,
but in time OLED price will come down...


If anyone bothers to remember the run of the mill TN LCD panel was crazy expensive 15 years ago.
Why? Because the tech to manufacture them in mass was not mature thus the panels were expensive.

Will be the same with OLED.
Dam I was hoping 4k plasmas would be a thing for the few remaining manufacturers. I am not planning on buying anything that isn't 4k anymore and I was thinking it would be plasma :(
There's no way LED can compare with plasma.... a $1000 plasma looks better than a $4000 LED

If you look at a $1000 LED and compare it to a $1000 plasma, it isn't even a contest.

Plasma has superior image quality in just about every category. In fact quality CRT displays were superior to most LCDs.
When I first started selling LCD monitors back in the late 90s, I was stunned how POOR the picture quality was. But people loved them because a thin panel and were so "high tech" looking. Usually the LCD replaced a CRT monitor that had superior image quality.
^This, I will hold on to mine until it gives up. If only I would have went larger :(
The amazing thing about OLED is that when it becomes mainstream, even total idiots who are completely clueless about how to calibrate their display will still have a great picture. There seems to be no way to make an OLED display look bad.
I'm trying to comprehend 'good riddance' in terms of the loss of plasma. Plasma is the best display out there bar none.. blows away lcd/led/oled/cfl/whathaveyou in just about every metric except weight. Hell, even front projection is crappy.

(except for maybe a 100% perfectly aligned dlp rptv.. that was eyeball bliss)

somebody had to say it. :eek:
Plasma has superior image quality in just about every category. In fact quality CRT displays were superior to most LCDs.
When I first started selling LCD monitors back in the late 90s, I was stunned how POOR the picture quality was. But people loved them because a thin panel and were so "high tech" looking. Usually the LCD replaced a CRT monitor that had superior image quality.

Oh yeah, I remember going to CompUSA sometime in the late 90's and seeing 15" LCD's for $700+. My first thought was "this would be unbelievably terrible in Team Fortress", as the image quality and ghosting were atrocious.
I'm trying to comprehend 'good riddance' in terms of the loss of plasma. Plasma is the best display out there bar none.. blows away lcd/led/oled/cfl/whathaveyou in just about every metric except weight. Hell, even front projection is crappy.

(except for maybe a 100% perfectly aligned dlp rptv.. that was eyeball bliss)

Plasma has superior image quality in just about every category. In fact quality CRT displays were superior to most LCDs.
When I first started selling LCD monitors back in the late 90s, I was stunned how POOR the picture quality was. But people loved them because a thin panel and were so "high tech" looking. Usually the LCD replaced a CRT monitor that had superior image quality.

Couldn't agree more.
"Plasma TVs can't be made a thin as LEDs, for example. People like stylish tellies."

My LG plasma is 2 inches thick at the thickest point and features a cotinuous pane of glass on the front. No traditional "bezel". Some LEDs may go thinner, but that's plenty thin. And overall, TVs don't get better looking.

Anyway, it's some sort of marketing cout' when a product type that sells for less and is better in all areas but maybe input lag-----isn't the best seller.
Was hoping my old TV would die soon so I could replace it with a plasma. They just look much more natural to me than LED/LCD. OLED should be a good option in a few years.
I came oh-so-close to pulling the trigger on a Samsung PN51F8500, last weekend, but self-control prevailed. Besides, I live in one of the most plasma unfriendly places in Atlanta: top floor of a loft building with giant floor-to-ceiling windows that flood the place with light. Made even a Panny ST series plasma look washed out until the sun went down. I guess I'll stick with my LG LED LCD until 2160p becomes more mainstream in a couple of years.
I just got my LG 50PN6500 back from the shop the other day (was making a buzzing sound, they replaced the boards). I hope it lasts awhile. I bought it blind off Amazon a year ago for $550 and was stunned by how good it looks (especially night scenes, they're are almost like looking out a window). I haven't seen an LCD that even comes close for less than $2500, and not at any price as far as viewing angles go. It's a bummer they're falling by the wayside...
I had to actually lower the brightness on my panasonic vt60. It was really bright.
The amazing thing about OLED is that when it becomes mainstream, even total idiots who are completely clueless about how to calibrate their display will still have a great picture. There seems to be no way to make an OLED display look bad.

Except for the fact that every TV will default to "bright as a rainbow on the sun" mode with no contrast or color accuracy.
Seeing how my 1 year old OLED phone has spots of varying intensity due to the inherent life span of OLED. I don't think OLED is a good idea.
I love it whenever someone comments on my Samsung plasma when they are visiting with comments like "how old is this thing" and "you know, they make way thinner tv's now"

effing noobs
I love it whenever someone comments on my Samsung plasma when they are visiting with comments like "how old is this thing" and "you know, they make way thinner tv's now"

effing noobs

They make way thinner tv's now ya know? :D

Back OT.

People here are forgetting the "Good enough" principle. Sure plasma has the best picture, and you can see it when they are side by side. However reality is on a Blu-ray picture on any "GOOD" LCD/LED standalone, it remains a fantastic picture that most people cannot remember the difference. I happen to have an LCD a Samsung that was the last gen right before LED took over. At the time I bought it, side by side you could see that plasma was better, however it wasn't $3000 better which was the price difference between the two. So naturally I went with the one that had an excellent picture and saved me a few grand. That is why LCD/LED won...Being Good and Being Cheap.
Seeing how my 1 year old OLED phone has spots of varying intensity due to the inherent life span of OLED. I don't think OLED is a good idea.

This is a major problem with OLED. I've worked with some of the current OLED screens at work, and there are just too many problems with them at the moment. As you mentioned, it's not just price.

I still have my Pioneer Kuro which I absolutely love. It's a shame that half a decade later, even the best LCDs look atrocious compared to it.
This sucks. I have a Sammy PN64D7000. Paid ~$2k for about 2 years ago. Still blows away every LED i've seen.

First we lose Panasonic and now Samsung, the two best Plasma makers....

Well, at least I know for sure know that I won't be buying another TV until my sammy breaks or OLED get affordable...
^^ That list actually has a bug. Those VIZIOs at #18 are not supposed to be there.

So the top 32* TVs they have ever reviewed are Plasmas......
"While plasma is a lot better than LED/LCD TVs in terms of image quality, such as contrast ratio, and motion handling, it has a few drawbacks."

"Plasma TVs can't be made a thin as LEDs, for example. People like stylish tellies."
