Samsung and LG Are Developing Displays with Four Curved Sides


Aug 20, 2006
I guess I’m not getting another flat Galaxy phone any time soon. Samsung (and LG, reportedly) are hell-bent on pushing curved edges, and a new report suggests that they are bringing that aesthetic to all four sides of future handsets. This design would allow for a screen-to-body ratio of over 98 percent and was supposedly meant to debut on the iPhone 8, but an engineering challenge has pushed the technology to next year.

…Samsung Display and LG Display are looking for ways to create phones that are truly bezel-less and all-screen by curving all sides and eliminating even the top and the bottom bezels. However, the same source reports that there are technical difficulties in the lamination process, and that’s why it’s likely that we won’t see these displays until next year. The lamination process is essential in the production of OLED panels – it includes the protective layer as well as the touch film among other important components. The trouble is, however, when a display is curved on all four sides, the four corners are essentially useless; the current lamination process won’t let these corners register your touch.
I hate this shit. Unless they improve the quality so that it doesn't crack by simply dropping it on a carpeted surface then I'm going elsewhere for my next phone. I hate my S7 Edge that much.
I hate this shit. Unless they improve the quality so that it doesn't crack by simply dropping it on a carpeted surface then I'm going elsewhere for my next phone. I hate my S7 Edge that much.

Same here, have an Edge too, curved screens are fucking retarded.
The trouble is, however, when a display is curved on all four sides, the four corners are essentially useless; the current lamination process won’t let these corners register your touch.
No, the trouble is that curved edges on screens are pointless, and doing it just so you can say "my screen-to-body ratio is numerically higher than yours" is stupid. Just like the eternal one-upsmanship on screen size.

Now give me a $50 Android phone with a 4.5" OLED screen, a screaming fast CPU, 2GB of RAM, and a stock Android OS, and I'll be interested
Not a fan of the curved display glass, at all, and will always prefer the plain old "Volvo" styling meaning boxy I suppose, works for me without issues. Another example of change for the sake of change not ever being a good thing.
Curve the glass, then put in an OtterBox to protect it... Also, can't see the curve anymore. Glad you paid $200 for that feature? No? Me either. I prefer my screens flat, thanks.
To really be a useless feature the screen needs to envelop the whole device.
Are there significant advances to Gorilla Glass or the like? Obviously you can no longer protect the phone unless you put large bumpers on it. The S7E at least can be protected reasonably well and still look good. That brings me to another point, people complaining the Edge is just terrible and stupid. I went for the Edge because it has a 20% larger Battery AND I just love the way the phone looks. I enjoy looking at it, even a year after I bought it. That's worth money to me both on the Battery and on the Looks account. And there actually IS a feature I use every day that I love, and that's the Night Clock on the Edge. I use it at night, it's easy to read and doesn't light up the room like and clutter my nightstand the way an alarm clock does. That feature actually needs the Edge.
When are they going to start doing this for TV's?

I could see this being important to an iWatch maybe, where screen real estate is the thing, but a 6" phone? Naw. Flat all deh way.
I too fail to see why people want their screens wrapping around the side of a device. I found it annoying. Wen't with the S7 flat last year because of it, and if I was buying this year the S8 would be off my short list.
I got an S8 too and the curved edge is nice but doesn't function properly with some of the mobile games I play. Basically it doesn't register the touch properly and I can't use the slider bars at the side.

Would have preferred a flat version if they had the option. Also, not a big fan of the curved corners of the screen itself either.

Going to hang onto the phone for now due to giving my 7 Plus to a family member. Will wait to see if Apple goes the same direction with the iPhone 8 and figure out if I'm selling the S8 in a few months.
i hate these moronic curved screens....i still have a Note 4 right now, and i don't even like the fact that the outer edge of that screen has the glass curving downward, even though it doesn't do anything to increase the screen real estate. makes it that much harder to have a glass screen protector that doesn't want to peel up at the edges. and if you under-size the screen protector so that it only covers the flat part, you're stuck with a "rim" around the edge of the screen that has no protection, and it looks like hammered shit.

also, unrelated, i hate phones that 1) don't have a removable battery, and 2) don't have a microSD card slot.

"oh, but the battery has to be non-removable to properly water-proof the phone!" ..... just stop being a moron and don't drop your fucking phone in the water.
"oh, but you can just use "the cloud" to listen to all your music and watch all your movies" ...... i don't want to use the fucking cloud, i hate the goddamned "cloud", so much so that i get angry when i look at the sky and see fucking clouds. OK, not really, but....fuck the cloud.
Curve the glass, then put in an OtterBox to protect it... Also, can't see the curve anymore. Glad you paid $200 for that feature? No? Me either. I prefer my screens flat, thanks.

No kidding, sadly if you want better hardware you now get stuck with that retarded curved screen. I don't get why they made it, it looks weird, is fragile and offers no practical benefit. Maybe they ran out of things they can come up with to sell new models so this crap came out.
This is literally the one feature I think is dumber than fingerprint readers. It isn't useful on any level and the second you put it into any kind of a decent case, it becomes 100% useless. It frustrates me to no end to realize that at one point I was upgrading phones once a year because they were that much better every year. Now I'm on a 5 year old phone and literally looking for nothing newer than about 4 years old because everything newer is just loaded down with garbage features and terrible design. I "WANT" a new top tier phone that isn't a fucking tablet, I can replace the battery, has Expandable SD storage and for the love of christ has an unlocked boot loader. Apparently that is just too damn much to ask for.

Edit: In response to the above, the non removable battery bit has nothing to do with water proofing. That is just a shitty excuse manufacturers shoved down the throats of idiot consumers who don't understand design. They can perfectly well make the battery removable and the device waterproof. It is simply that doing so sells them less phones because people aren't forced to replace it in 18 months when the battery life is shit.
Can't stand the curved glass phones, and won't buy one as long as other options exist.
Why are they doing this on smartphones? Why not tv or monitors? It'd make a little more sense.
Such a pointless, useless feature. More of a gimmick looking for a sucker than a solution looking for a problem.
That's one way to increase the screen to phone size ration without actually increasing the amount of useful screen estate...
Edit: In response to the above, the non removable battery bit has nothing to do with water proofing. That is just a shitty excuse manufacturers shoved down the throats of idiot consumers who don't understand design. They can perfectly well make the battery removable and the device waterproof. It is simply that doing so sells them less phones because people aren't forced to replace it in 18 months when the battery life is shit.

My Motorola defy was water resistant and had a removable battery. It was thick though.
I hate this shit. Unless they improve the quality so that it doesn't crack by simply dropping it on a carpeted surface then I'm going elsewhere for my next phone. I hate my S7 Edge that much.

I cracked my S8 yesterday. Best Buy says that my $10 a month for insurance doesn't cover the $200 deductible for the repair, so $440+ for twp years of the insurance and the deductible to fix the screen is the cost.

Instead, I may go back and activate my Droid Turbo and box the S8 up for whatever ... whenever .... later.

I won't buy another curved screen again. Glass on the back, same thing. I'd much rather have my Turbo's Kevlar Back.