Samba Question


Limp Gawd
Jun 21, 2004
So I'm trying to set up some samba shares on my computer so the other computers in our house can access them. Currently I am just using simple file-sharing, but I would prefer to secure my shares with a username and password. I was basically wondering if it is possible (in Windows XP Professional) to make a user that cannot login to my physical machine, but can be used to access my file-shares from one of the other computers.
Sure. Make their shell /dev/null, or /bin/false, or something along the lines. They'll still be a user on the Linux box, but they (in effect) can't login. You may need to read /etc/shells first to make sure the shell-of-choice is listed there first (and add it if it isn't)
I'm not running linux, all of the machines on the network are running Windows XP Professional.
You said Samba, which is the program Unixes use to talk to Windows file shares...

anyways, you can do this in Windows via the 'Local Security Settings', Security Settings->Local Policies->User Rights Assignments->Deny login Locally.

The Local Security Settings is in your Administrative Tools applet in your Control Panel.