SageTV and dvd backups


Jan 21, 2004
i backup my dvds with dvd shrink as .iso

i want to know if i can somehow play the movie images with sagetv, because currently i'm using some virtual dvd drive and i have to mount a new movie everytime. thats sorta difficult for my dad.

if anyone knows of a way please let me know.

i don't want to compress the movie because of the audio. my dad wants the 5.1

You'd have to mount the ISO as a DVD drive type deal.

Any reason your doing it this way. Personally I find it easier to rip it with DVD Decrypter to a VIDEO_TS folder, that way you eleiminate that extra step.
doesn't dvdshrink rip dvds as video_ts files? if you use that setting you can play the files directly, without having to mount a disc image.
Perhaps you have both options? As for as .isos, you probably have to mount them each time
or figure out some way to have a bunch of virtual discs to mount all of the .iso files to so you never have to switch them..but i imagine that would slow down your PC too much and be too much trouble (depending on the amount of DVDs you have)
ok thanks

i didn't know it can support it the non-image files

and yes.. mounting a new movie is annoying and not to mention difficult for my father who sucks with comps
if you use alcohol 120% to mount the images all you have to do is go into my computer>right click on the virtual drive>select mount image>click open(then continue to browse for the image OR any of the previously saved images