Safari Update Raises Browser's Windows Market Share Threefold

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Remember Apple’s little trick last month where it began stealth installs of Safari? I guess we know now why the company thought it would be a good idea…the numbers speak for themselves. Safari has tripled its Windows install base for a grand total of (*drum roll please*) 0.21%.
It realy wasn't sneaky, if you pay attention you could unclick i did.
I was wondering what Safari was doing on my parents computer but it all makes sense now. Just because its installed doesn't mean that its getting used.
I am ready to bet you my Acura TL that when a quackface at Apple thought of this idea somewhere into his speech the words: "we sneak in Safari install" and "we get more visibility" were spoken.

They assumed that regular users wouldn't even see the option to change and that is sneaky.
Just a nuisance when Quick time automatic update come up, first they wanted to push Itunes on me, now they want to push safari, just two boxes to uncheck but it never installed itself without me knowing.
I happen to Use Safari and think that is is FAR Preferrable over firefox, IE, or Opera. I have at least 2 Coworkers that will agree with me :)
I find Safari on Windows to be far too barebones (and ugly) to use. I find millions of others who agree with me. ;)
I don't get the fascination over installed copies. Like someone said before, you need to be using it for it to really count.
I cease using anything that trys to install extra crap on my computer, I haven't had quicktime on my computer for years.
Safari started locking up again on my mac. So annoying... Is FF3 beta out for Mac yet?
if safari is as bad as quicktime i won't touch it with my 12" meat pole....well maybe just a little
Sarfari sux b@lls can't even do proxying properly. We had a mac that would crash as soon as you auth into ISA proxy [works fine in FireFox]
It's probably one of the worst browsers ever.
On that note, it reminded me of the old netscape browser (shudder). It felt clunky to me.
I guess it could be I got used to being able to customize a browser to suit ME (firefox), rather than having a browser tell me what I need. (Safari and IE anyone).

Now, I don't want to get into a whole "my daddy can beat up your daddy" type debate. Just wanted to express my $0.02.

... :cool:
I happen to Use Safari and think that is is FAR Preferrable over firefox, IE, or Opera. I have at least 2 Coworkers that will agree with me :)

Safari is good on OS X, terrible on Windows. Conversely, Firefox is terrible on OS X and good on Windows (although I hear the FF3 OS X beta is supposed to be a huge improvement).

All IMO of course. :)
I surf these forums every day on my mac at work. Been using FF3b since it came out. It's a vast improvement over 2 and Googlebar Lite works with it.

For the record, I have been forced to use Safari on both mac and PC for web development reasons. I hope it dies a horrible death is all I can say.
My question is... who here has even tried Safari for windows... If you answer yes and are not a web developer using it to test sites, please delete your account now.
I almost accidentally let that sneaky oops-you-didn't-unclick-it-so-now-you-have-safari apple update poison my computer.
